Wii in Australia thread

brendo said:
Yes. tis quite the Dilemma:yikes:

Mate itll go up, dont worry. Ever heard of the eBay effect? Where ppl seem to go nuts with bids in the last minute? Depending on how many ppl are watching your item expect it to skyrocket... Wiis are still sold out pretty much everywhere.

Keep your eye on my crap, 20ppl are watching it atm, and I certainly want more than 50bucks, but I'll leave it in there for the long haul:
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@ toomstone- Steam is a proggy (VERY popluar) that lets you pay for and download new release games and shizz. Have a read of this:


Alot of us here in this thread alone own at least one steam game, and go on it all the time, so you will be joining the mass's so to speak

@Deanis: I have 40 people watching, I guess ill let it play out and hope i dont get pwned
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40ppl? should be alright.
I sold a guitar last week with 45ppl watching... was sitting on 180 til 2mins to go, and it ended up going for 380...
ugh bored,

i would go for drive, but i have already been pulled over by the police once today. i dont really feel like getting pulled over again... i cant watch kevin and perry go large, as i watched that the other day.

so many anime episodes and movies that i dont want to watch.

i've looked through my usual websites, loked at youtube videos untill i was bored. then came on here.

now what? :confused:
Deanis said:
40ppl? should be alright.
I sold a guitar last week with 45ppl watching... was sitting on 180 til 2mins to go, and it ended up going for 380...

wow thats a big jump.

But yeah, I think im going to just ride it out till the end. It was nice knowing you gentlemen:lol:

@ Liger ive only ever been pulled over twice in my life. Both times was on the same day, for an RBT...the copper didnt even check my licence rofl. gg Australian Police, GG
Haha yer I'm watching it too, and no, no bidding from my end.
Oh it actually went for 360, my bad, but the dude that picked it up gave me an extra 20? i didnt decline.
gpoleweski said:
Lol, awesome! How much you getting for? And happy birthday...whenever it is...or is it on the 19th and you're turning something else? Or...Are you turning 19 and the date is sometime else?

Also Deanis, I don't think liger's in Japan yet...Are you?

WHat's that supposed to mean Brendo?

Oooo, Kendo sticks! I'll check if I got the rep...I forgot to mention as well that the Pimsleurs thing also has like 100!!! 30min audio tapes...so that's also helpful...

I don't have a Valentine....:(....Anyone wanna be it?

EDIT: I haven't gotten your rep toomstoner...I don't really care anymore anyways...And, I didn't realise that we were past 5000 posts? was that taken into account? Or? I just can't remember or what?...My memory fails me!!!
Sorry for late reply. I turned 19 on the 15th. Im getting my Ps3 for $490. Thats the cost price.
Woo another Wii in Australia whinge.
Turns out that the Aussie version of No More Heroes will (most likely) not have the red 'blood' in it, but the black style from the Jap/UK version...
Now I know its cartoonish, and violence isnt a good thing etc etc etc....
but still, why cant they just give us the original version and be done with it? It just looks cooler with red spray instead of black paint....
Just get a chip and import the other version if it worries you that much.