Wii Injuries?

I didn't have the strap on and it flew and hit a door, the door got a dent in it. I was playing Tennis XD. I also occasionally hit myself in the head when playing Bowling or Tennis (it hurts :O!)
I had a stiff shoulder from playing Wii Sports all weekend when I first got it.
Wiiblade.....hahahahah!!! Nice one. I have only experienced stiffness in the morning. Like the majority of Wii players, I play all out (ie: Full swing in "The Bigs" & "TWG 08"). But just reading the "accidents" made me crack up with laughter. How stupid are some people? And are they accidents or just an excuse to hit someone if they happen to be losing? Some people need to grow up. Like someone stated earlier that someone will try and sue Nintendo, that could definately happen. And you want to know somethin? That would kill any Wii advancements. Like I stated before. Grow up people. Stop looking for a law suit !!!!!
I went through all the sports the other day, arm was feeling it for sure.
Good fun though.
Nintendo is legally covered by their numerous and repeatitive warnings on their packaging & on screen to wear and tighten the wrist strap.
To be honest with you...i still have the old Wrist strap, and i am confident that it is strong enough...beside..when i play the wii, i don't let go of the wii mote..no i keep it in my hands..
No major injuries have happened to me by the Wii. The most I can think of is when my friend was playing WiiSports tennis and his swing hit me in the wrist. It didn't hurt too much, but it left a bruise for a while.
no serious injuries here. only stiffness like most. but i barely use the wrist strap and ive managed to not throw it at all. but yeah and someone mentioned the "going to hard" theory. and thats definitly true. man i had to watch my cousins for a weekend (theyre like 8) they pretty much came two inches away from punching my TV when they played boxing. i was so nervous. i was like YOU BETTER NOT PUNCH MY TV. :yesnod: im very cautios around my Wii!
"I got a wiimote stuck up my ass. . . "

"what game were you playing?"

"I think it was tenis"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

seriously though, ppl who get injired by the wii are just morons. . .
JAKE196 said:
"I got a wiimote stuck up my ass. . . "

"what game were you playing?"

"I think it was tenis"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't get it?:crazy:

Anyways as for that video that was a joke right? Looked like most of those pics were Googled and could of been from anything. I will admit I been hit in the head once by a Wiimote, it didn't hurt and didn't leave a mark.
My mum seems to think fencing is on Wii Sports and slices me into pieces. But other than that, everything's peachy kee.
Guinness said:
I don't get it?:crazy:

Anyways as for that video that was a joke right? Looked like most of those pics were Googled and could of been from anything. I will admit I been hit in the head once by a Wiimote, it didn't hurt and didn't leave a mark.
I don't get it either but it's still funny ^_^

yes tis a joke, half of the pictures are photo shopped.

A lot of ppl have hurt themselves though.
Nothing living has been hurt over here...but there is a nice hole in my wall thanks to one of my klutzy friends, and yes, we were bowling. It almost nailed the Wii, came within about two inches of it. Thank goodness it didn't go hit the table head on or the tv.
I dont get into it so much that I whack my tv screen on accident.(I dont use the wiimote...I just play vc games =)