Wii-mote speaker

Yes, I get that too. I kept feeling like my obsession of playing the Wii was causing it to... DIEZ! ;_;
I've had that problem playing Zelda!! The remote just started crackling
and cutting out!! I took it back to the store and the new replacement remote did the same thing. Next I tried a brand new nunchuk connected to the Wii remote to see if that was the problem and still crackling!! Finally I tried a third brand new controller and now everything's normal - I hope it stays that way!!!

I looked at Nintendo's customer service pages on their website - they say
that crackling can occur if batteries are swapped 'too quickly'. They suggest taking batteries out waiting for 1 minute then re-inserting them. They then say if problem persists the remote may need repairing! Unfortunately, I did not know about the battery swapping thing until after I'd taken the remote back to the store.

Well my original remote was used for no more than 15 hours, the batteries had never been out since they were first put in, and it started crackling!

I hope I'm wrong but could there be a fault amongst the Wii remotes?
I've had probably 15 Nintendo consoles of various shapes and sizes over the last 15 or so years and never had a problem with the hardware.

Has anyone else had a problem with crackling speakers on their Wii remotes?
its because the speakers that they used in the wiimotes probably wasnt the best of quality, simmilar thing happens to some big 3 dollar speakers i bought for my ipod haha... oh well, i turned it down to 2 bars and its fine still :p
komio said:
its because the speakers that they used in the wiimotes probably wasnt the best of quality

If true, the use of cheap speakers is no excuse. If there is a problem with the Wii remote speaker then Nintendo have a whole heap of trouble as I for one won't rest until the problem is solved. The speaker cutting out is totally detracting from my game playing experience as without sound the sword, boomerang, bow and sling shot seem somehow lifeless. This is because the majority of the sounds generated by these weapons and items comes from the remote speaker. Using the slingshot without sound sucks!!!

However, I have faith in Nintendo to sort the problem out with subsequent batches of remotes. But we as the consumers must tell Nintendo of the problem, so everyone with crackling remotes should definitely email Nintendo and ask them what they intend to do about it.
OK, strangely, my wii-mote is working fine (well, I think its fine!) - I'm not sure whether it was just taking time (even though that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever).

I would recommend this; turn the volume off totally, leave it for a couple of days and gradually (one or two bars) increase it...it did the job for me.

Keep everyone posted? Cheers.
Thanks for the tip. However I think that the point here is that there seems to be a problem with the remote and that they should work fine for many hours of play. My original remote became faulty after just 15 hours play!
If you are prepared to play Zelda for a couple of days without the sound then that's fine, but I think most of us expect the remotes to work properly especially as they are virtually new. Has anyone got a response from Nintendo about this issue?

On a more positive note, so far Zelda is brilliant so congratulations Nintendo!
That's just it though - the second it came out the package, it wasn't working. And I mean, supremely crackily, loss of sound, everything. But after I went through that, I have the remote at a pretty high volume and it's working just fine (from what I can tell).

I don't know, its not like speakers need to get warmed up or anything! Try it anyhow (if you have old wii-motes). I plan to get another pair of controllers soon, and will see if it does the same...
Mine did it last night to me during Wii Tennis - it would crackle and sometimes it wouldn't make any noise at all. Today everything seems alright, though.

If it keeps it up I plan on contacting Nintendo. If any of you with the same problem get ahold of them, lemme know what they do to fix it.
Yeah mine crackles and it makes me laugh at least. Ill try to lower bars to see if that helps if not contact nintendo and tell them whats up.