WII needs to start


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2016
I purchased a white wii sports package from a seniors house Christmas bazaar to support them. Then I wanted to start it. It did not start.

I never had any console experience, but I am good with computers and technical stuff.

My pack has the following details:
wii model rvl 001 USA
Serial Number: LU6384......

I have 2 Wii remotes and 2 Nunchucks

Remote bluetooth sensed by my mobile as: Nintendo RVL-CNT-01, so the remote bluetooth working, but they did not connect to the console.

I looked at the front side of the sensor bar with a mobile camera and clicked the red console Sync button. None of the IR leds were on.

I have a wii sports cd that is part of the bundle.

I also have a konami dance controller and hottest party 3 cd. The dance controller can be connected to my wii console by one of the GC coltroller sockets. My controller and cd can be seen in the following address:

Please note that I do not know what has been done before with my console, and I have no experience on consoles at all. My wii console always had a black screen so far, but today I had an idea. I plugged the dance controller to the 4th socket on wii and started the console, holding 4 steping sections down. Then I got on the lower right side of the screen the following:

4.3 USA

At this point, I guess I need to insert a new game cd in the optical disk and it would update the software problems of my console.

I insert the Wii Sports cd, the console reads it, I hear the noise and the feel the vibrations on console, but nothing comes on the screen,
I insert the Hottest Party3 cd (NTSC) in the console, the console reads it but nothing comes on my screen.

Is there some games that I can download, burn to a CD and try (preferably free), or is there any way to revive the console from this point on? Please let me know what to do.

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