wii sports pack

When you use more force when swinging the Wii Remote in Wii Sports Tennis, then the ball will move with more force (and vice versa). During serves, there is not much to control except a "power serve" which requires precise timing.

ConsoleCheatCodes.com said:
Tennis: Super serve:
When you are serving, just when the ball is at the highest point quickly flick your wrist. You will see white smoke from the ball and it will be difficult to hit. This may require some practice.
that is wrong during a serve when the ball is at its highest point and you hit it the ball will fly, how hard you swing controls the direction during a serve and any time you hit it
PwnMastr said:
that is wrong during a serve when the ball is at its highest point and you hit it the ball will fly, how hard you swing controls the direction during a serve and any time you hit it

not true

force does not control direction, however timing does

think of it like you would the batting accuracy training exercise...if your right handed for example:

the EARLIER you swing, the wider right it goes...the LATER you swing, the wider left it goes, this is how you control the direction

beware however, if you hit it too hard itll clip the net and may bounce out, me nephew does this alot cuz hes a crazy 5 yr old

for a SERVE however, i do not know, wat i said was strictly about regular swings
i read the instruction manual how hard you hit it does affect the direction when you are hitting it
gaara_girl said:
It really only affects how sharply it turns,and the speed of the ball.

exactly, just because the other guy "read the instruction manual" does not mean its correct...for example

1) moh:h2 says 4 player on back of box but it either single or online...
2) in one xelda guide i remember reading A was jump...besides zelda 2 there has never been, ever, a vertical jump button

moral of the story = nintendo makes mistakes on guides and covers

have u played wii tennis?...your timing decides direction in its most literal sense