Wii sports Q?


WiiChat Member
Nov 26, 2007
ok my mom decided she wants a wii for christmas, but it will be used mostly by me and my sister and she was wondering if the boxing on Wii sports is two player? i was wondering about two player games also, do you need two of these (
) and also do you face each other or what? sorry i just dont no much about it yet but i played it and its nice:wink:
yes boxing is 2 player and no u dont need 2 sensor bars....dont need to face each other just the tv
Just to add in case your not sure... you will need to buy an extra Wii remote and nunchuck to play wii boxing two players (the system comes with one remote+nunchuck in the box).
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do you need the nunchuck, because we are planning on buying the Wii system then WiiPlay, it comes with a free remote but not the nunchuck (i think), so would we have to buy another nunchuck? if so how much are they ? thx
yea u need another nunchuck...they are like 20 bucks i think...havent bought one in so long..lol

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