Wii turns On, then Off


WiiChat Member
Jun 1, 2009
Hi, sorry for being a noob, here's my problem:

My Wii was working fine I got it at Christmas and played until a couple of weeks ago; so I don't really know how this happened but about two weeks ago my Wii stopped working.

What happens is that the power button is red (so there IS power), then I press the power button, it turns from red to green, then it turns off and the light does not shine red or green. When I try to start it up again, it fails because its as if there's no power; so I unplug the AC and try again but then the same thing happens.

I've tried:
Unplugging and replugging everything. Everything!

I checked if my AC thing was the right one and it is, everything is legit and was working before.

I tried turning it on with the Wiimote and by pressing the button. Also my Guitar Hero is inside and can't eject.

The Wii is plugged directly into the wall, there aren't too many accessories or anything, it just turns on, then off, then it won't turn back on!

I read a couple of customer service instructions but they don't work, help me out man!
a friend of mine had this problem. he gad to get a new wii, lost his favorite game to.

whatever causes this problem is the Wii verion of the 360's red ring of death
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a friend of mine had this problem. he gad to get a new wii, lost his favorite game to.

whatever causes this problem is the Wii verion of the 360's red ring of death

crrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaappp. Damn, thanks anyways, I hope someone else has an explanation.

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