

Jul 11, 2006
United States, New Jersey
one of my friends who is getting the Wii along with me tried explaining the Online service of the Wii.....and he told me that you have to like type in your friends like online code or something like that......and that you can only play in your own area or something.....someone explain please
everbody has friend code on their stystem if you want to play them again then your system will remember it for you then you can play them if they are online
no i dont think it will be like that i think thatyou will be able to find random people like on mariokart ds and set preferences if you dont or do want to play them again
Sam_Harris said:
no i dont think it will be like that i think thatyou will be able to find random people like on mariokart ds and set preferences if you dont or do want to play them again

I hope so. I wouldn't mind a friend code sysrtem, as long as it's only optional. In some online games it can sometimes be more interesting to play people you don't know.

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