Wii still using Friend Codes


Jul 17, 2006
From Wiiplus

That’s right, the Wii is still going to use the "Friends Code" system, just like the DS. This is according to something that was put up on the Nintendo site but was then pulled off shortly after.

This news was already suspected because at E3, Nintendo's Takahashi Tezuka was asked whether Wii's version of Wi-Fi Connection (Nintendo's online service) would also use a Friends Code system similar to the DS’s and he said "Yes".

Those of you hanging onto the belief that he was simply guessing, and Nintendo planned to go back to the drawing board (or, better yet, simply steal Microsoft's drawing board and re-badge it) are going to be disappointed.

As you'll know if you read this on the since-departed Wii site page that bore this: "Nintendo has your online safety in mind. Thanks to our unique Friend Code system, you can control whom you play with online. Playing online is a great way to connect and reconnect people you want to play games with!"

Friends Codes, 12-digit identifiers specific to your DS or, in this case, Wii, allow players to create lists of preferred opposing players. Except, obviously, it's a bit of a faff to type in a randomly generated 12-digit number for every one of your pals.

Elsewhere, Nintendo's online Wii service is a bit more contemporary, with a Virtual Console system for downloading old NES, SNES, MegaDrive and TurboGrafx games, along with new, small budget-priced games.

As some may knoe thanks to a new idea from Nintendo call WiiConnect24, you will also be able to leave your Wii on standby and have it download things and allow people to do things like visit your Animal Crossing village while you're somewhere else. According to Nintendo the systems standby will only use a very small amount of power and will not cost a lot to keep on standby.

And while Nintendo hasn't ruled out the prospect of premium downloadable content add-ons for games, it has committed to a free online gaming service - just as it did on the DS.

So now the only hope for any of you (well probably most of you) that does not like Friend Codes, is that each Wii system will have there own code, not each game so you will only have one code to tell your friends not one for every game you own.

Wii Plus will keep you updated.

friend codes won't really do a lot

you can still play people you don't know by putting you friend code in a wii forum or chatroom and asking for other peoples
yea but do both people have to put in eachothers codes or does one person put in someones code and it sends them a request?
yea but do both people have to put in eachothers codes or does one person put in someones code and it sends them a request?

Good point, that would be rather annoying, not that the friend code isnt annoying enough already
you ever play a PC game that can go online but you must input the IP address of another player? well in order to play with someone, you must get their friend code and they must have your friend code and you both just enter eachothers friend codes in and it will connect you. im just hopeing that they will have a way so you can just play random people
Do none of you play DS (not referenced to Zoomer). The friend code system is just an additional feature to connect you to people you know. You can still join public games without codes, but there may be fewer features.
exactly...its kinda like a instant messaging service..you can still go to chat rooms and talk to people you don't know but if you want to chat with your friends or family you need their screename to put in your buddy list
registerednerd said:
Do none of you play DS (not referenced to Zoomer). The friend code system is just an additional feature to connect you to people you know. You can still join public games without codes, but there may be fewer features.
What do you mean by fewer features?? I plan on getting a DS sooner or later and a Wii for sure, so details, please.:confused:

Also...are we going to see features like Optimatch from Xbox Live, where it matches you up with people at your skill level because I don't want to pwn everyone in one game and then get beat horribly in another?

I'm guessing this can't be answered yet, right?
NateTheGreat said:
What do you mean by fewer features??
if youre playing MP hunters and have a friend code, you can chat with them using the mic on the DS. i dont know about other games though
i really dont see the issue with stuff like friend codes. sites like www.wii-play.com already offer services for chatting and exchanging friend codes really easy.
I think they do their job of moderating users and offering privacy.
Yeah but we're not all kids. I don't want to have to go through the hassle of inputting some code just to play online. If they must include it, could they make it so that the system can be turned on or off by the console owner in parental controls?
I dont care really much for that, i will really play my wii with friends more than online

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