Wiimote: Acceleromter vs Pointer


WiiChat Member
Sep 9, 2006
Hey, my first post...I was just wondering what the difference between the accelerometer and the pointer on the wiimote is. Does anybody know the difference?
pointer is like a light gun and it based on the position of the Wii-mote to the screen, accelerometer measures movements not relative to any position other that where the motion started and ends, you move up it takes as an up movement based on where it currently is on screen, think d-pad but in 3-d space, pointer is just that, like a laser pointer.
Ohhhh, I didnt even know there was a thing called the accelerometer. cool, thanks for the info! .. just when i thought i knew pretty much everything there was to know bout the system
I think that since the position of the wiimote can be tracked, it should be no problem for them to figure out how fast it is moving anyways.
DarkDepths said:
I think that since the position of the wiimote can be tracked, it should be no problem for them to figure out how fast it is moving anyways.
The problem is, if you aren't pointed at the sensor bar (for example, if you point the WiiMote down for golf in WiiSports), then the position can't be tracked. Neither system is perfect on its own, so they combined them.
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Ok, so the pointer is like a laser pointer, does that mean its used to make menus easier( instead of having to use the d-pad), or is it used for games too? Is the accelerometer used in games too? Im still not fully sure lol.
to use menus would be easier, think a light gun, those have been out for like every console, thats the pointer functionality, now the rest is motion sensing, not based on coordinates between the Wii-mote and sensor but based on how far you move the controller from the current neutral and what position you move it to, like a mouse it takes the movement you do no matter were you start and converts it to a direction in the game, even if the mouse is on the mouse pad or you head it still can move in the same way, the pointer though takes exact coordinates based on the relationship between the Wii-mote and sensor bar.
Well... I dont care how it works! All I care about is how well it works!

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