Wii's lack of Shooters Real Rpg's and Beat em ups


Mar 31, 2009
I'm a hardcore gamer and proud nintendo loyalist :) But i'm thinking of getting a 360 because they are releasing motions like the wii and there attention to hardcore gamers is 2nd to none were as the wii has catered about 5percent to hardcore gamers be honest nintendo have a few games hardcore way to few agree.course you do.with the n64 wii got james bond golden eye.CLASSIC. with the wii we got wii sports what would you prefer out of the two james bond course you would my. . .point is nintendo have not made one hardcore game for the wii game cube remakes we don't honestly want do we nope brawl is not really hardcore while we have metroid the online nintendo game id deem hardcore wii game by nintendo that ain't a let down aka remake .stop buying them. while xbox 360 has released. . .fable 2 hardcore gears of war 2 hardcore halo 3 and halo wars hardcore and hardcore project gothem racing 4 hardcore plus loads more plus better online service.better be at that price. will nintendo give us core gamers what wii want core gamers or will i have an xbox 360 with better graphics online content more hardcore titles and come summer 09 motion sensors like the wii's nintendo are doing my head in allowing all these poor party games to be made more then half the wii's game have party in the name wtf nintendo fans = original console ive had ever nintendo console since the snes im 18 now and there all better hardcore gaming there was no n64 party games or snes music bring back the real beat em ups more fps get fight to work along side wii real racing games more online content and games and music during gameplay if you wipe homebrews dvd player make a dvd channel firmware update that gets ride of friend codes so we can have 1 easy to remember username online and make games producers use the wii to its full extent i.e graphics not poor ps2 graphics and game don't release games if the controls are not 100percent workin sony or microsoft wouldt allow that from 3rd part games why shud nintendo.

your thoughts and please
Oh my god. What terrible spelling and grammar.

For beat em ups, the genre is near dead. You might have to look at some old games. Although the Wii does host some beat em ups. Here are list you might want to consider. The following like Godhand and Viewtiful Joe are on other consoles.
Viewtiful Joe, Godhand, Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3, Mad World, Final Fight(Nothing like the arcade version), Comix Zone.

As in shooters, what do you mean? There are different kinds of shooters. There are a lot of shooters on the virtual console and in Wiiware. As for other shooters, House of the Dead Overkill, Call of Duty: World at War, Castle of Shikigami 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and a bunch of other games.

As for RPGS. Again, thank that VC releases have been made. Considering the fact that the early 90s had some good RPGs. Anyways, as for modern RPGS, Rune Factory Frontier, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Final Fantasy: Chocobo's Dungeon, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. For shits and giggles, you should get Secret of Mana.
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i mean wiiware or wii games vc is old stuff and yeah its fun but were the new fps 3person shooters real racing and fighting games on wii that take advantige of its controls?. . .dont watch my grammer didt have time 4for school lol hated it but yeah the games
red steel 2
dead space
dirt 2
is why im keeping my wii
i'm sure theres more classic older gen games you can play on the wii in the uk then wii and wiiware games
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and serious rpgs nintendo were gods at rpg
tell me some games you think could make me happy
i alreay have
red steel
cod waw
james bond q.o.s
mortal kombat ammergeden
smack vs raw 08 and 09
animal crossing
battlion wars
ghost squad
h.o.t.d 2 and 3
mario kart
nfs undercover
wii ware i gt
star soldier R
help mr man with great grammer ;) lol
nd online games
p.s i dnt like resi games the cam angle is 2 hard 4 me personally
Can I get some caps in your posts?
(As long as it isnt the caps lock on for every word)
and serious rpgs nintendo were gods at rpg
Nintendo didnt or havent made that many RPGs

Phantom brave - Good RPG

bring back the real beat em ups
In related news
The Samurai showdown collection was released recently

fable 2 hardcore gears of war 2 hardcore halo 3 and halo wars hardcore .
If you like them games my advice to you is to get a 360
Gears of War 2 = ARSE (going off the first)
Halo 3 = ARSE (going off the first)
Halo wars RTS only ARSE (going off what has been said)
Godwind...i dont ever recall GodHand being on a Nintendo console. Although the Viewtiful Joe games were (still gotta beat those lol)
Godwind...i dont ever recall GodHand being on a Nintendo console. Although the Viewtiful Joe games were (still gotta beat those lol)

Never said it was. I just wanted to point out a Good Beat em up because there really aren't many out there.
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the wii is not hardcore but i enjoy its motion sensors. . .xbox 360 are release motions sensors simular to the wii's and they focus on hardcore gamers that would mean more 3rd and fps with motion sensors they have better rpg's and beat em ups
and a tone of new hardcore games all the time we wii owners get a tone of party games,games with half working controls or vc and game cube remakes not dissin vc i have laylat wars and sin and punishment. . .but will nintendo start dishing out hardcore stuff or will i have to by xbox when the motion sensors come out to get what really want. . .and tell me some games that you deem hardcore and are great with the wii controls and online
fable 2 hardcore gears of war 2 hardcore halo 3 and halo wars hardcore and hardcore project gothem racing 4 hardcore plus loads more plus better online service.better be at that price.

Almost impossible to read that post.

Anyway there are a fair few shooters out already and others coming (most notibly The Conduit and Dead Space). There are RPGs coming too (like Arc Rise Fantasia or Muramasa). For beat em ups there's only the Turtles game on the horizon. If only Capcom was to release Tatsunoko vs Capcom then there'd be a good game in all those catagories.
This console generation has somehow brought something sickening to gaming. What is it? Its the fact of people crying about games being hardcore enough ,or not. We never hard of this last gen ,or the gens before that.

I look at it this way if you enjoy the game you buy then good for you who cares if its hardcore, casual ,or even considered "shovelware". Most have forgotten that games are suppose to be fun, and how much fun had from a game is subjective to the individual.

Therefore some gamers may find games with blood ,and guts fun where some may find games with big eyed cartoon characters bopping on baddies heads fun with an ounce of blood ,or the F word.

In other words its all in what "YOU" like not what the collective gaming community says you should like.

Okay sorry i had to get that off my chest.
This console generation has somehow brought something sickening to gaming. What is it? Its the fact of people crying about games being hardcore enough ,or not. We never hard of this last gen ,or the gens before that.

I look at it this way if you enjoy the game you buy then good for you who cares if its hardcore, casual ,or even considered "shovelware". Most have forgotten that games are suppose to be fun, and how much fun had from a game is subjective to the individual.

Therefore some gamers may find games with blood ,and guts fun where some may find games with big eyed cartoon characters bopping on baddies heads fun with an ounce of blood ,or the F word.

In other words its all in what "YOU" like not what the collective gaming community says you should like.

Okay sorry i had to get that off my chest.

No. This generation has expanded gaming. That is not a bad thing.

What people are forgetting is what gaming is at an objective level. It cannot be pigeonholed into one type of set rules or experiences. Shovelware, hardcore, casual, all of these types offer legitimate gaming experiences for their attracted audiences who buy into them. The two reasons why we didn't have this much complaining is because 1: The industry wasn't nearly as large as it is now, and 2: The internet has evolved into a much more vocal place for gaming discussion with much more people participating in it (because of reason 1).

People also don't know how to separate gaming from thematics. On the surface, we may be quick to judge their content for its kiddy, bloodlust, overtly sexual themes, or waggle or stylus controls, but that's all they are: fluff. At the games' core, they are all still legitimate gaming interaction that have a place for the audiences they cater to. This is why ESRB exists. There is nothing in the definition of gaming that states that they must have a general audience sentiment and stray from mature/kiddy themes.

Too many people are spoiled by what gaming has traditionally been or what they prefer, and don't know how to deal with its sudden expanding toward a wider variety of audiences. Just because people complain about it doesn't mean this generation has gone wrong. People will ALWAYS complain. There are just more people now doing it.

The only thing this gen should be blamed for is a lack of quality control (primarily with Wii) and demanding game development costs like no other for PS360 games. Neither of these were a major issue in previous generations.
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As in shooters, what do you mean? There are different kinds of shooters. There are a lot of shooters on the virtual console and in Wiiware. As for other shooters, House of the Dead Overkill, Call of Duty: World at War, Castle of Shikigami 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and a bunch of other games.

I think he meant ones that don't border along mediocrity, or just plain suck.
Theres quality problems on 360/PS3 ,but it comes in a different form. Where Wii's problem comes in from underdevelopment, and shoehorned controls the PS360 gets its quality problems from becoming stale. Grant it the Unreal 3 engine became a could starting point for this gen ,but how many shooters are we gonna have that all look, or play similar to cross between Gears ,and Halo.

The games on that side of this generation are barely having personallity of their own most of them are just another sci-fi shooter with some steroid ridden no personality guy with a deep gritty voice who shoots anything that moves. Grant it some of the games may have some gimmic like stopping time (looks at Timeshift), some kind of freaky crap (Hey FEAR) ,or some kind of terrain transformation (Hello Fracture ,but all in all they all do the same crap with the same basic controls)

A lot of the HD gen games play like last gen titles with a fresh coat of paint ,and more refined controls. I'm not saying every HD gen game is this way ,but far too many are.
Theres quality problems on 360/PS3 ,but it comes in a different form. Where Wii's problem comes in from underdevelopment, and shoehorned controls the PS360 gets its quality problems from becoming stale. Grant it the Unreal 3 engine became a could starting point for this gen ,but how many shooters are we gonna have that all look, or play similar to cross between Gears ,and Halo.

The games on that side of this generation are barely having personallity of their own most of them are just another sci-fi shooter with some steroid ridden no personality guy with a deep gritty voice who shoots anything that moves. Grant it some of the games may have some gimmic like stopping time (looks at Timeshift), some kind of freaky crap (Hey FEAR) ,or some kind of terrain transformation (Hello Fracture ,but all in all they all do the same crap with the same basic controls)

A lot of the HD gen games play like last gen titles with a fresh coat of paint ,and more refined controls. I'm not saying every HD gen game is this way ,but far too many are.

I am a huge fan of the original F.E.A.R. game, which is a current-gen game (2005 on PC, ported to consoles later on). F.E.A.R. was not more of the same. The game controls and plays out unlike any other FPS I have ever played. F.E.A.R. 2 on the other hand opted to emulate the competition, like the Halo's, the COD's, etc, while retaining some key series trademarks. Ultimately, that descended the title into mediocrity, unfortunately.

A lot of 360/PS3 games are more of the same, like GoW2, Fallout 3, RE5, but what they have is polishing at least.

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