Drastic 2009 Improvement


WiiChat Member
Mar 1, 2009
so far, the first 3 months of 2009 have been the best the console has seen for third-party releases. Not only have games like THOTD: Overkill and MadWorld proven that good graphics can be produced on the hardware, but also that the system is for hardcore gamers as well. Most importantly, the release rate of shovelware has decreased significantly, and at least 3 worthwhile games are released each week.

If the Wii continues with such quality software being released, do you think it will turn the console's reputation around and 'core gamers will finally be able to admit that they like or even prefer the Wii over it's competitors?

I for one think that this year is the turning point which will put the console's name in history as possibly the greatest console of all time.
2009 is looking good for Wii, I agree completely.

Its great to see quality third party titles come out more and more, and we haven't heard all of Nintendo's plans for the year. Surely they have more in store than just Wii Sports Resort and Punch Out.
Nintendo's 2009 plan besides Punch-Out and Wii Sports Resort are remakes of the Metroid and Pikmin series and probably Sin and Punishment 2 and Pikmin3 for the holidays.
I think it's safe to assume that Nintendo has a few secrets up their sleeves. They wouldn't reveal all their plans of the year to the public. At least not so early.
Yeah I have a feeling that Nintendo probably has one big Wii-MotionPlus title on the horizon (that's not Wii Sports Resort). And at least one classic revival (Kid Icarus fans cross your fingers). I like the way 2009 is shaping up. Although I still feel that 2008 was not as bad as most people think. Or as most Sony and Microsoft fanboys want you to believe.
I think it's becose Nintendo give a chance to third-parties capilalize the Wii market, that is why we don't see some first-party titles this season and it's a huge oportunity that third-party needs to approach this deal.
This will change the Third-party reputation on Wii, finally matching the Nintendo's quality.
Every time I read something you say I wonder why you're still allowed to have an opinion around here.. Wow

He's kinda right. Shovelware increases over the summer to give kids something to do over their summer break and then increases again right before the holidays for obvious reasons.
grand slam tennis and tiger woods 10 are gonna be amazin Wii's gonna kick ass once again when wii motion plus comes out.
Yeah I have a feeling that Nintendo probably has one big Wii-MotionPlus title on the horizon (that's not Wii Sports Resort). And at least one classic revival (Kid Icarus fans cross your fingers). I like the way 2009 is shaping up. Although I still feel that 2008 was not as bad as most people think. Or as most Sony and Microsoft fanboys want you to believe.

Same, I felt 2008 was a strong year for Wii although it tailed off near the end of it. Now we're just getting more quality third party games and that's great.

As for Nintendo's plans, I didn't even mention remakes of old GameCube games because those don't count. Nintendo knows they can't tag on Wii controls for those games and try to call them brand new.

They have at least one or two more games on the way for Wii, I just hope it's something we haven't seen yet (Mario, Zelda). I don't know about Pikmin 3 either considering it was just announced last year and we've seen and heard nothing new about it.

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