Worst Wii games


WiiChat Member
Dec 31, 2009
united states
I decided to make this thread so members could post the worst games they have tried or bought or rented or DL'd with Wii points. I recently purchased 1000Wii points and DL'd Super Mario Brothers 3 with 500Wii points for my wife. It was 1 of her favorites and well worth $5.45 :) that left me with 500Wii points left over and I should have just held on to them but :( I used them on a game I thought mite be fun and discovered what I believe has to be the worst game ever released for the Wii. That being said I felt like it needed to be on a list some where to warn/inform others not to make the same mistake I made. :)
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Reel Fishing Challenge

This is the worst game on the Wii I have found to date. They should refund the cost of this game to anyone who purchased it. I can't beleive they even allowed it to be available for DL on the Wii. :( DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!
Wait what game are you talking about wisk??

My worst downloaded game is Cocoto Platform Jumper. HEY! I was itching for a Wiiware platformer and this was the only one available and boy did I regret it!!

I have yet to purchase a bad retail game.
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Sorry I took so long to reply to your ?. The game I listed is called "Real Fishing Challenge" It was the Title of the post I should have also typed it in the post but Opps L0L

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