Worth it on launch day


WiiChat Member
Jun 27, 2006
So do you think its worth picking up the Wii on release day i mean like with all the problems other systems have had like 360 overheating ?
You can trust Nintendo's products, I have never heard of any of there past consoles having problems when they first released. And when Wii launches there will be a lot of great titles already, unlike the 360.
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Homicidal_Gamer said:
You can trust Nintendo's products, I have never heard of any of there past consoles having problems when they first released. And when Wii launches there will be a lot of great titles already, unlike the 360.

yeah true i haven't been let down by nintendo's hardware. good point
my xbox broke twice in the two years that ive had it. ive had my GC for almost 5 years and its never broken (and i get angry at it sometimes:p). nintendo's products are the most durable ive seen.
yes i flushed me bros DS down the toilet and it didnt go all the way
so after a plumber (suprisingly called luigi!) got it out it was working as fine as the day i flushed it down! now that my fellow WiiMates is called quality
Sameiru said:
yes i flushed me bros DS down the toilet
Why did you flush his ds down the toilet? Oh and also I bought a gamecube right on its release date and it's still going strong.
Nintendo seems to have a knack for making durable consoles. My PS2 starting acting up a bit about a year ago, while my Gamecube (which I bought about a year after the PS2) runs as good as when I got it. Well, sometimes you have to press the controller's B button harder, but that's it.
Well I think that there will be a lot of people that are buying the DS Lite... anyway there will be a lot of people buying it at the launch day, so thats not something good... maybe it will sold out.

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