Xbox elite


Wii can do it!
Apr 15, 2007
Wii Online Code
Microsoft Unveils Xbox 360 Elite
Xbox 360™ Elite is the newest addition to the Xbox family that includes a huge 120GB hard drive (the largest available for any gaming console), a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable, and a premium black finish. The Xbox 360 Elite also includes a black wireless controller and black Xbox Live® headset. Coming April 29, 2007. Check back soon for ordering information.


Elite Console
Xbox 360 Elite is equipped with a premium black finish and three powerful core processors, full surround sound, HDMI cable, and DVD playback with upscaling capabilities right out of the box.

120GB Hard Drive
The huge 120GB detachable hard drive is the largest available on any console. It lets you save your games and store television shows, movies, music, pictures, trailers, extra game levels, demos, and other content available from Xbox Live Marketplace.

Black Wireless Controller
The sleek black finish of this high-performance wireless controller matches the style of the Elite Console. It has a range of up to 30 feet and a battery life of 30 hours on two AA batteries.

Ill stock up on some more info later.
There have already been several threads on this, sorry.
To an extent he is right people say a larger hard drive is better and that is true but honestly how much do you need I mean saving movies etc. it's ridiculous
WiiZero said:
To an extent he is right people say a larger hard drive is better and that is true but honestly how much do you need I mean saving movies etc. it's ridiculous
for people who like to download movies and shows and what not in HD
Im not really a person to download movies, Id rather be able to take them with me without lugging around a 360 here and there, I would like the 120GB though for storing music... but yeah if they make maybe like a 60 or 80 Gig seperatly for the premium/core I would buy it.
ocdan said:
Im not really a person to download movies, Id rather be able to take them with me without lugging around a 360 here and there, I would like the 120GB though for storing music... but yeah if they make maybe like a 60 or 80 Gig seperatly for the premium/core I would buy it.
the movies only are 1 day rentals for about 3-5 bucks depending if its HD or SD
Sovieto said:
the movies only are 1 day rentals for about 3-5 bucks depending if its HD or SD
that even adds on to it, the only movies I ever consider renting are b-horror movies my friends and i watch about every so often, so yeah, more towards my point
Its great for people like me who are getting 360 Elite during the summer.. 70$ more for 6x more memory and better colour
do you really think it's worth it?

i might get one (NB i don't currently own an Xbox or Xbox 360 and never had)

i'm thking about getting an Xbox 360 cos of all the shoot 'em ups and i liked halo 1 for PC

Does the elite come with Wi-fi built in? - cos premium doesn't =(

i've got a fair bit of money ATM and if the elite is better than the Premium i might as well get it =| for an extra £70 or so =|

I bought a wii recently so... i'm in a console mood ^^


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