Xbox Rox!

What Are The Chances Of You Getting A PS3

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I'll have to admit that if it weren't for X-Box, I would never have been introduced to Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. I didn't know that it was a multi-console game at the time. I have long since owned Ty for Gamecube. Ty Rules!
To me is 25% cause like in 2 years later ill get it (maybe) but if I love the wii so much I will not get it
50-65% before it goes down at least $100 bucks 75-95% after it goes down $100 this is if i dont get a ps2 i might buy one instead of a ds.. (handhelds arent my thing unless they are like a rock i would probably break em)
The DS is very sturdy, I just got one and....well there's many stories, I don't want to bore u.

I chose 25% as long as they come down in price...a hell of alot.
ssbb_lover said:
The DS is very sturdy, I just got one and....well there's many stories, I don't want to bore u.

I chose 25% as long as they come down in price...a hell of alot.
well i i have tourrettes and i tend to smack myself with things .... laugh all you want lol my family does too... and i also drop stuff alot but i would have to play one first to make up my mind i really want one but im too scared i might break it
really tourettes? ........... yea that is kinda funny ;)

so if i was walking down the street wearing pink hotpants (not that i would) would you scream FAG at me at the top of your lungs, because you cant help it... or would you do it because any person that wears pink hotpants deserves to ba called that...?
RhythmGen said:
50% depending on how soon it comes down in price
Don't expect the price to come down any time soon. I would be surprised after 2 years it's the same price
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Hmmm... We Arre Talking About Ps3 And DS when the Thread Is Called Xbox Rox Its Kinda Funny But Its My Fault For Putting Up That Poll Though
Haha. True, we're totally off topic. Sry bout' that.

well i i have tourrettes and i tend to smack myself with things .... laugh all you want lol my family does too... and i also drop stuff alot but i would have to play one first to make up my mind i really want one but im too scared i might break it
No, I mean there sturdy, there harder to break than any game console ever been created (though that isn't saying much since all u have to do to break one is drop it, unless it's a gc)

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