xbox stuff

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Best ever along with wii,kuddly, and ever so loveable
ah... another spamer jaja and this time is from microsoft...

Anyway I dont like the xbox, its boring to me... Like a month ago I played it and in 1 hour I get bored, the only game Im bored playing it in 2 hours is Halo 2... aww xbox is so boring...
Arcadium said:
ah... another spamer jaja and this time is from microsoft...

Anyway I dont like the xbox, its boring to me... Like a month ago I played it and in 1 hour I get bored, the only game Im bored playing it in 2 hours is Halo 2... aww xbox is so boring...
well I guess different people like different things, and its not ms spammer when were in a offtopic thread smart one
Arcadium said:
ah... another spamer jaja and this time is from microsoft...

Anyway I dont like the xbox, its boring to me... Like a month ago I played it and in 1 hour I get bored, the only game Im bored playing it in 2 hours is Halo 2... aww xbox is so boring...
i find that the lamecube is boring because it has about 5 games that apeal to me that arent on other systems im not saying it sucks ...(that lamecube comment was a joke)i just wish it had more exclusives like the wii precious precious wii :D
Halos dull
go here do this go there do that
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