3.2 Update

The message board system has been improved slightly. It seems faster to type using the Wiimote now. The update is probably to get the Wii ready for the new channels. I wish Nintendo would post what it added. There are probably hidden features we won't know about until weeks later.

News sources say it improves system performance and the rest is speculation.
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Sremick, you are half way there. That's true that it will not force or push an update on you but it can be so that it can not be played without updating it. You may have the choice to either update or not but it may be that you can not play that game till it's updated. XBL does it ALL the time when a game is known to have a "cheat" to it (ie: Forza 2).
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ShawVAuto said:
Sremick, you are half way there. That's true that it will not force or push an update on you but it can be so that it can not be played without updating it. You may have the choice to either update or not but it may be that you can not play that game till it's updated.
Everything that's been said so far says that it's a notification, not a requirement. It let's you know in the game channel that there's an update, but does not force you to update.

Until we see something different, anyone who is saying that it will be a requirement is crying wolf. I'm not saying it won't happen, but anyone who says it's a guarantee now is making it up in their heads.

And regardless, this would affect existing Twilight Princess owners how? Their disks are already pressed. If they can play now with 3.2 without updating further, they'll get no more notifications from playing their existing TP disc in the future, making them free to continue to utilize the hack. Nintendo would have to press new TP discs with a firmware update beyond 3.2, and make it a required update to play that new TP disc.

I'll say it again: there is no evidence at the moment that this has anything to do with the Twilight Princess hack. Imagine and hypothesize all you will, but there's no sign as of yet so it's all hypothetical.
Okay... calm down man. Just saying that it is possible. Nothing was EVER said to be concrete only that it's possible :lol: . That's funny.
What did it mean in the message by what it said about: "After february 26th, those who have already done the update will not need to update again."

does that mean like ever or just for this update? cuz if its just for this update, uhh duh... that makes sense that i dont have to do the same update again...
it could be either one. the update was about doing more updates behind the scene.
i think there will be an update for that but i dont think we will see it until the summer.
and to comment on somethin said earlier nintendo cant make a disc force u to update or u cant play game because everyone doenst have their wii hooked up to an internet connection
wario2ooo said:
i still think its involved with the "pay to play" thingy....
the pay 2 play thing is probably only regarding MMO's that nintendo may release.....
Zangetsu said:
and to comment on somethin said earlier nintendo cant make a disc force u to update or u cant play game because everyone doenst have their wii hooked up to an internet connection

actually the updates are in the disc. you might have seen these updates in super mario galaxy, metroid prime 3 etc. it has nothing to do with hooking up with the internet.
oh well i only have 3 games so far and thos e didnt have updates lol
and i havent played my wii or got a game or could have even got a game withint the last month but im gettin SSBB and im getting GH3 soon i know im late but still
well im pretty sure that brawl has an update on it.