Achevments - Makein you play a short game for longer


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
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Grumpy old men stye rant (Its a UK tv show)

What is it with all these damn achements with 360 games ?

I mean you buy a game (hopefully a good one) you see the end credits and for most games thats it
But no
Microsoft had to put these dumb points things that are supposed to make you play the game for longer (granted games like Crackdown are worth replayin but with some its just a excuse to force you to play thorw what might be a boring game)

Then theres a freind of mine
He buys games just to up his gamer score (he has even said to me "I only got it because its ment to be easy to get acchevments")
Then I hear that some people online will think your "A N00B" for havein a low score

If the points had a use I whouldnt have this rant

Rant over
Go on with your buisness
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Why do you think I like playin RPGs (Not Final Fantasy stlye)
Last check - 500 hours on Disgaea (Some people have double that)
don't like games that long lol but i really don't like these short fps's with online and a buhmillion achivements.

Cod4 has a million achivements and stuff to earn but you don't stand a chance against anyone whose been playing for a really long time online.
i like getting achievement points but i wont go out of my way to get them. most games i will play through once and then either sell it or play the multiplayer. i take a look at the achievements before playing through and attempt to get them while playing (unless its something where you have to go an hour out of your way to get it). for example, if there was an achievement for killing 5 people in a row with just your bare hands then ill try and get it. very rarely will i play through again to get more points. i believe the only game i did that with was CoD4 (it was the "Your Show Sucks" one) and that was because i was very close to getting all the achievements and only a handfull of players had all of them at that time lol
I'll try hard if I'm close to 1000 and with gears of war I tried for all of them because I loved it along the way
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Mitch2025 said:
i like getting achievement points but i wont go out of my way to get them. most games i will play through once and then either sell it or play the multiplayer. i take a look at the achievements before playing through and attempt to get them while playing (unless its something where you have to go an hour out of your way to get it). for example, if there was an achievement for killing 5 people in a row with just your bare hands then ill try and get it. very rarely will i play through again to get more points. i believe the only game i did that with was CoD4 (it was the "Your Show Sucks" one) and that was because i was very close to getting all the achievements and only a handfull of players had all of them at that time lol
Theres one for Tenchu Z (Yes I like it) thats a bit obiviuos
Get Ninja 5 rank on all corseis it whould be a easy one if it wasnt for one mission (and a broken rankin system) where I had to folow some body with out getin seen (and kill all the enamy with out him getin outa range
Bloody hard
Some are just too damn hard but I hate the ones that are just pure time or amount of games
There's nothing wrong with achievements, its a good thing. Its fun to get them. But I dont go buying games just for achievements. Achievements is just a plus. It adds more replayability. Also, I never heard of people calling others a noob. Atleast not in general. If you go on and try to tell people things as if you know alot, they tend to not pay attention if you have low gamerscore, not because you suck at games or something. But because low gamerscore tends to mean you have little experience with the Xbox.

Other than that gamerscore doesnt mean anything, its just something for people to have fun with themselves. Something extra to play for :p
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T3kNi9e said:
But because low gamerscore tends to mean you have little experience with the Xbox.

I have a lot of exp with my 360 and my score is only 2500 with about 5 games (one I have even played that much due to the mission cheats to make you loose)
my noob friend has 50k+ gamerscore, he was the only one ive ever heard that has made fun of someone for having a low gamerscore (but it was as a joke). achievements are awesome, but i think its not the size of your gamescore but the quality (example: you might have gotten 5,000 kills in Shadowrun but have you gotten a Perfect game in Pac-Man? Which one takes more skill?)
Gamerscore obviously doesnt make you good. But it shows how long you have had your Xbox or atleast most of the time. Someone whi 250 gamerscore tends to not know what they are talking about when it comes to the 360. I dont mean they don't know what they're talking abuot when it comes to a certain game, but the actual Xbox. If I were asking about what XBL was like, im going to believe the guy with 5,000 gamerscore over someone with 250 because guess who has had more experience? Atleast... chances are he does...

I personally don't think there's such thing as a better "gamer" atleast not overall. People are good at the game they play most, or the genre they play the most. Gamescore does not measure how good you are. Because alot of achievements can be gotten if you play a game for a really long time. Like getting 10,000 kills on Gears of War doesn't make you good. It just means you play the game alot.
I liked the Shadowrun achievements because a lot of them you could get in one game like Godlike but personally I think all achievements should be doing something strategic instead of something you just play a long time to get. TF2 achievements for me were the most disapointing they could have made them much better
I believe that achievements make the games more entertaining. It gives you something more to do and allows for you and friends to compare your games. Also, when you think about it, achievements are quite similar to that of challenges that you may come across in Mario games such as Mario Strikers Charged and Super Smash Bros Melee.
achievements are optional. calm down. microsoft doesnt force you to do them. they dont point a gun to your head and scream "YOU DIDNT GET ALL 1000 GAMERSCORE YOU FAIL!" its just for people who like to extend the replay value of games. one of my xbl friends has over 31000 points.

although i agree, buying a game for the easy gamerpoints is stupid, RENT IT! :) lol

edit: speaking of renting for GP, i saw a youtube video of some anime avatar game or sumthing and the guy got 1000 points in the duration of the video, wich was about 2 minutes long i think. im pretty sure it has like 4 achievements.