Are Wii controllers harder to find than the consoles.

Dude I hate EB games they never have the remotes EVER they sell out in like a hour its Gay I mean whats the piont of a gmae store if you cant buy game stuff there???
Go eBay you one...
I went to wal-mart and bought all the remotes and nunchuks in stock and eBayed them.. Used the profit to buy myself extra remotes for "free" after it was all said and done.
In my area (uk) there are NO wiimotes, unless you want to buy wii play, and the wiimotes aren't in stock til next friday, and even then most shops are selling them for £30 (only £5 cheaper than wii play)
I am not amused
Iwent to 7 places yesterday 3 of them out of town to try and find a nunchuck
noone had them I can't even find them online except for ebay.
But the Wiimotes were everywhere.
Oh and the Classic contollers plug into the Wiimote
so if you want to stay wireless then go with that if not just use a GC contoller.
Damn , I'm in NY. I find plenty of both. Consoles are the hard thing to come by. I think its all going to change soon though. christmas is getting closer and the stores are going to release the consoles in bigger batches. At least that's what it looks like since they keep holding them in the warehouses.
The nunchuks are going faster than wiimotes but i have managed to see them at gamestops around brooklyn, target , ebgames. Circuit city is hard to come buy. comp usa has a few also. Nintendo world is sold out at the moment of this writing, possibly to get a few in next week. These are the places i went to on friday, the day before this writing. Stock changes daily so you might as well spend a while traveling and checking places out.
We have none, no Wii consoles, no Wiimotes, no nunchuks, no classic controllers. Only thing you can find is point cards.
Ha! I was recently at Nintendo World (NYC), and there were isles and isles of Wiimotes and nunchucks! You can only buy one each, though.:ciappa:
All you have to do is go to gamestops around 12:00 or 1:00 when the UPS guy comes and he usally drops 2 off everyday. They sell fast though. They get 2 of all the controllers.
I have been looking to buy a nun-chuck since release date -_-'' there is none around ottawa canada, i tried zellers, eb games, wal mart, futureshop, best buy, and a few other small chains. Zellers even had Wiis this morning yet still no nun-chucks, they said they have not received any since launch (nov 19th).
coolg35748 said:
Cant you play gamecube games with the classic controller?

Im almost positive that you can't. Dont quote me on that though but i remember reading it somewhere.