Can't be this HARD

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CAn you beleive

:yikes: Can you beleive that my Girlfriend had a go after i got angry with it and did it first time.....!!!
Now just started Snowpeak Mountain......

Oh and the Carridge level is a demon but as soon as you deal with them damn birds it all becomes easier
Skorp said:
Some people have alot of trouble with this for some reason, others find it incredibly easy. I'd say concentrate on putting the flames out on the carriage with your boomerang. And Z target with your bow/slingshot if the carriage isn't on fire. It's been a while since I was at that point but it didn't give me too much trouble either. What are you having trouble with specifically? Keeping up with the carriage? Putting the fire out? Warding off attackers?

When the cariage is on fire I Z target but the fire still won't go out, and when I try to use the bow or boomerang I can't control the horse and it just runs off in the same direction. AND I'm doing this at night so I can't see the birds in the sky properly. Lol I suck at this.
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Carridge level

:nono: What you should see is a big bird that keeps dropping bombs in front of the carridge take it out (I think there are two) otherwise the explosion will send the carridge round in circles .....
You need to Z TARGET to put out fire
I also Z targeted the things on pigs to stop them setting the carridge alight with the boomerang thingy

It took me AGES so you are not alone but the key is to kill the bird dropping bombs.................

This did not wind me up half as much as the damn FISHING parts
AUGH the fishing part! I was stuck at that point for a while too...soo frustrating, it really seems like a crap shoot. Anyways once you catch it, make sure you grab it because I almost let it get away:tard:
adamkilla2002 said:
:nono: What you should see is a big bird that keeps dropping bombs in front of the carridge take it out (I think there are two) otherwise the explosion will send the carridge round in circles .....
You need to Z TARGET to put out fire
I also Z targeted the things on pigs to stop them setting the carridge alight with the boomerang thingy

It took me AGES so you are not alone but the key is to kill the bird dropping bombs.................

This did not wind me up half as much as the damn FISHING parts

See, told you some people just have a knack for it, in other words - I lacked patience, started to virtically flip for about an hour and then got a fish out of utter luck.
k first of all u have to be really patient, then when it hooks pull back fats and hard for about 5 seconds u should have your fish cought in a matter of seconds and be ble to move on and find the "monster" AKA yeti.
i dont understand all the post that just say pull back when trying to catch the fish any hand movement at all and the line come's out of the water. what do you mean by pull back.

i have been at this for like 5 hours and its just stressing me out, i have tried everything and cant get one of the red fish to hook on the line.

I'm in the right spot and i have the fish hook. shouldn't be allowed ne where...for real...for thing...errrrrr...i dislike fishing to the MAX! took me so long to get those stupid fish as well....