Cant the Wii be patched to support HD?

jlspec said:
Didn't some XBOX games run in 720P? If so then some games for the Wii can be program to run in 720P also considering it's a more powerful consol compare to the Xbox.

Actually I can't remember where I saw the comparison now but the Wii is actually about 3mhz slower than the XBox as is its GPU, just wanted to put that in but sure if the XBox could do it so could the Wii.
While 1080p would be crazy, 720p seems reasonable, doesn't it. I wish Nintendo didn't feel the need to be all or nothing. 720p would be a nice compromise in my opinion.
Haz said:
I think this is one of the main reasons behind Nintendo not going HD. The percentage of people who own an HD TV is not as high as the media make out (those BBC adverts!) and also those that have an HD TV, do you actualy have a spare HD input socket after you've pluged in your SKY+ and HD DVD player??
Yeah but by this time next year almost everyone will own a set that at least supports 720p since they are costing under 500.00 now a days at least for the 20" sets and many under 999.99 for 30" and under.. By next year even cheaper so for now it's cool but in just another year it will not be cool. I mean even my grandmother said she wanted one of those HDTVs...! lol
I guess I'll just be happy if Nintendo would start selling the COMPONENT cable. Peace
I was thinking about going Component for the Gamecube not long ago. Decided against it because of the sheer price of the cable and how difficult it was to get hold of one. It didnt sell for the Gamecube so I doubt they're put much effort in HD for Wii.

True RGB Scart is gladfully enough for me!
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kenn said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but at one point wasn't 480P one of the "early" HD modes?

Yes, it was considered one of the first. This is the format that coined the phase DTV or Digital TV after it was decided that 720p and 1080i were going to be the standard.

Just so you all know, 480p is double the resolution of 480i. So by going with the component cable, you are making a huge jump. The broadcast channel FOX started with 480p back almost 3 years ago. They used to broadcast sporting events and Nascar. Just that alone was a HUGE improvment over SD video.

Also, 720p is just about the same as 1080i. The difference is mostly the fact one is interlaced and one is progressive. Typiclly fast moving images, like action movies or live sporting events, look better on a progressive input where things like slow imaging drama movies, documentaries, or even just typical TV shows like CSI or LOST.

1080p is double what 1080i is. The biggest issue with 1080p right now is lack of true 1080p content. Most movies are not even being shot in 1080p right now so 1080i looks just as good because the most people are using 1080i as there content format.

Personally, I can't wait to get my hand on the component cables for my Wii. You guys should also realize, most of the games the original XBOX came out with were 480p. It was quite some time before they started to release most of there titles at higher resolution rates.
I just wanted to jump in and mention that the Wii has double the clock speed of a GC and a better gfx coproc. The GC could put out 480p. I don't think it's that big of a jump to think that the Wii could do more.

Nintnendo is a small company in relative terms. They also develop a lot of first-party titles. As such, they really have to divide their resources strategically. When you think about all the different features of the Wii and all the more pressing concerns (online gaming, downloadable content, etc.), it seems, at least to me, that it would be awhile before Nintendo supported HD.

But that doesn't mean the Wii can't do it. It was mentioned that the Xbox did 720. That was an 800 MHz P-III...

I've got my component cables on order from, and I'm stteing up my new 27" LCD HDTV this afternoon, so I think Nintendo did a good job of at least putting 480p out initially.
The XBOX can do 1080i as well. I would like to be optomistic as well by saying the Wii can do 720p. I am afraid that the hardware isn't designed to do it. I think they are gearing up for the next generation, and the majority of the processing power the unit has is going towards reading the truely amazing remote control, and for the online interactive things they have yet to devolpe, or release. There are pages of channels that are left blank for the future. I think that Nintendo is more concerned about making the unit really fun and innovative, over the idea's of having a True HD output.
I would love to see at least 720p, but I would rather more options for my gaming experience online than a few extra lines of resolution.
Just my $.02
guys....the specs for the wii were just rumors, weren't they? i doubt that nintendo would make a next-gen console that isn't even as powerful as a last gen console...but thats just my opinion :p WII ROCKS :D

number: 3186-3089-1145-2073
name: bArRY
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I'm sure Nintendo will go HD later like they produce the DS-Lite to prolong life of the DS. They have to go HD later but not now as not many ppl have HD-TV. Once the world has adapted the HD-TV, I'm sure they will as the consumer may get used to the Wii gameplay and demand better graphic capability like the PS3 and 360 later in it's product life cycle..
Taero said:
Actually I can't remember where I saw the comparison now but the Wii is actually about 3mhz slower than the XBox as is its GPU, just wanted to put that in but sure if the XBox could do it so could the Wii.

XBox is a generic x86 CPU, as was its GPU. I believe in actual benchmarks the Wii is a good 25% faster.
MindStalker said:
XBox is a generic x86 CPU, as was its GPU. I believe in actual benchmarks the Wii is a good 25% faster.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it performed even better than that, PIII is still a 32bit external CPU, I would say the Broadway is most definitely 64bit current PowerPC generation technology, the RAM is faster in the Wii, It would be reasonable to assume that Wii CPU can outperform a PIII by two fold.

As for the GPU, who can say - no specs, probably has a few tricks up it sleeve that Nintendo and ATI haven't let out of the bag yet :)

-- Jim.
They "say" that it was twice as powerful as the xbox. Didn't the xbox support resolutions beyond 480p? Theoretically, the Wii should be powersul enough to support 720i or for the most 720p. Anyway, I don't plan on plunking down $2000 bucks for a plasma TV just for games anytime soon.