Casual or Hardcore gamer?

I'm not even gonna fake the other. I'm a hardcore gamer. I spaz out when I don't play a game in a week. I have to beat games better and faster than my friends (and do with most of them). I take a lot of my time out. For example, Christmas Day I got Final Fantasy XII, I played it the whole day and next day, then I stumbled upon this forum and got me into wanting the wii more, but still.
I finish every game I get. Unless I get bored and think the game is retardedly tedious. Which I do from time to time (never was able to finish GTA:SA..)
I'm in between casual gamer and hardcore gamer. I tend to be a hardcore gamer on certain games on the PC like Counter-strike, or WoW, but normally I'm a casual gamer when it comes to console games. I think that will all change when I get my hands on the Wii. :ihih:
i think that kids under the age of 14-15 are excluded from the hardcore category (including myself). with the occasional exception, we rely on our parents to buy new games, and unless we have really rich parents we can probably get 1 game per month, giving us more time than we need to finish the game.

i think that the wii will really boom with the online... thats when the hardcore gamers will really stand out...
i would put myself under the catogory of extreme casual gamer. Im not quite a hardcore gamer but im not far from it.
well seince i have nothing to do in my sad pitiful life:frown2: but play games all day id say hardcore:worship:
casual becuase i play games daily but ive never fully beeten a game never im 50% done with excite truck thgoh
I used to play games about 4-6 hours a day, but then I got a life and now I play maybe an hour everday.
I don't have time to play gmaes for anymore than an hour during weekdays cause I have crap to do (duh), but on the weekends, about 3 hours every day (Fridays too). So, yeah casual.
i'd say i'm casual, i usually stick to one system at a time and don't get a new game until the first one is beat
I play about 6-7 hours every day and beat most games unless they're not worth it. Guess I'm rather hardcore. ;)