Componant calbes and gamecube question.

I think it works. Having not had a Gamecube, I'm not sure but I don't think many Gamecube games had 480p support therefore not many games will utilise the component cables.
it does not work. The cords change shape each generation... (really, the only thing I remember is the SP and DS charger)
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gamer_of_life said:
Can the wii componet cable work on gamecube games too or only wii? Also dose it effect VC games?

Haven't tried it myself, but I'm pretty sure it works. It just has to work cause it would be pretty dumb if players had to switch to a composite cable when playing in Gamecube mode or Virtual Console games. But keep in mind that this does not apply to 480p and widescreen mode. As far as I know only some Gameucbe games support 480p and the Virtual Console won't do widescreen but insteed stretches the screen. I'm just talking about componnet cables in general not being run in 480p and widescreen. So the answer is yes, it'll work and yes your games will look more sharp and colours will look more vibrant...
OOOHHHHHH.... I read it wrong. Sorry dude.

I'm pretty sure that the wii's settings will NOT be carried over to the GC settings... I think the games will just be interlaced.
whoops i read it wrong as well

i thought u meant to use the cable with the actuall gamecube system