DBZ - my elbow hurts, am I jerking it off too much?

How does the nunchuck pick the movement up? I can't find the sensor! Does it have like a pendulum thingy in it that send a message to the wii through the wiimote when its banged? Hmmmmmm...
it has and accelerometer or whatever just like the wiimote, its gets its power/sends data to the wii through the cable connected to the wiimote the sensor is just for menus and stuff where you have to point at the screen. :wtf:
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You have to admit, DBZ has a lot of "jiggling," "wiggling," "pushing" and "pulling."

Makes you think that if japanese producers made something out of it, they'd make a game where you're a dildo bent on "jiggling," "wiggling," "pushing" and "pulling."

Oh boy...