everthing on brawl site released?

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Dec 26, 2007
Wii Online Code
okdoesa anyone remember that day the ssbb site showed olimar and pikmin? well i do! me and my cousin where on the site until 12:00 clock so we like press the refresh button at 12:eek:o clock and olimar showed up! so we tried it again for a whole week, o we fiured that sakurai already put the stuff on the site,but none can view it yet until he puts the date for the specific url to be able 2 look at! so me and my cuz r going 2 hack the site. we know this is llgal so were using his laptop while using someone elses ip address.so were going 2 try to hack the site as much as we can. i dont know how far we get(since sakurai might notice the first time we open up to his edit part of the site) but were gona try. but the problem is its very complicated stuff so were upgrading this software to his laptop to ease up the hacking i swear f this works ill b the king of this site!(right under sytax baybe ya)
You do not know how to hack, nor what hacking actually is.
Also, Sakurai does not upload stuff to the site before it is being released.
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