first main in ssbb

You forget the only reason I've yet to play PoR is because the only non-outrageous priced copy I could find, to this day, was scratched beyond playability and repair.
Well shame on New Pork City for not having any Wal-marts near you. Dropped to 15 bucks back in 06, but of course you already knew that.

Stonedoll said:
Don't mind my side-kick Kirby talking, he's a nice fellow.
Will do.
Well shame on New Pork City for not having any Wal-marts near you. Dropped to 15 bucks back in 06, but of course you already knew that.

Don't live in NYC, I'm far out in New York country; that's just an Earthbound reference.

And indeed, I already know it's apparently $15 because you've thrown that in my face some time ago. -_-;
Don't live in NYC, I'm far out in New York country; that's just an Earthbound reference.
Great, you killed it. Now I need to find some witty remark.