Forecast Channel Live!

I updated in Hawaii at about 0200 Hawaii time (0400 Pacific time). The update gave me the Forecast channel (I like the new graphical theme.... blue :)
one thing i've notice with the weather Channel is that i can only see the UV index and 5 day forcast in my own Country (Australia) can anyone else confirm this??
I woke up, saw the dim blue light in my Wii, turned it on, and it said the message, and I clicked the update button. I entered my Orlando Location, and the temperature the channel said,checked the local news temperature, and suprisingly so, it was very accurate. I give props to Nintendo for releasing the channel early, for us anyways, early. The channel is neat, but it's something you can play around for about 3 minutes, nothing more, nothing less. I love messing around with the planet though. It's a cool adition, but I don't think I'll use more than once a day.
Ive got it its pretty cool....although it realesed early hope that doesnt mean the date for the internet is wrong...
I woke up this morning and my disk drive was all i said "hey i have a message" i turned on my Wii and under the message button there was no number. I was kinda like "huh?" but checked it out anyways. up in the right corner was a folder with a little picture on it. i opened it up and to my surprise received a message from Nintendo telling me i could get the forecast channel. I was delightfully surprised and began my update.

Now what i say about the forecast channel. I would say even though its rather basic it is pretty cool. the symbol for snowy weather looks pretty cool. the one thing i would really like to see added would be a radar for your area. for the most part i don't see me using it too entirely much but i am sure i will use it from time to time. I just hope Nintendo plans to add a little more to it as time goes on.