God Of War III

GOD OF WAR owns... i am addicted to this game :<

It kinda sucks that one of the PS3's biggest exclusives is not very appealing to me and that just sucks for me because then im missing out :(

I'm hoping by some miracle they say that it's become more Adventure where you will be able to explore a few cities with people to talk to like in Zelda. I'm not talking Oblivion style like some RPG but like in Zelda.

God of War already has nice puzzles so it already has that. It has magic that you gain as the game goes on, it just needs you to be able to have dialogs with people and possible side quests like in Zelda.

I'm just not to fond of playing a level, seeing a cutscene then thrown into the next level for more baddies to eliminate.

Don't you get bored of it? Don't get get born of simply spawning then just chopping people up with no real reward?
I don't see why alot of people are saying they will buy a PS3 for this game. It's just a damn 6 hour action game.

however i agree with you that getting a PS3 for GoW3 is retarted. im not even sure if i wanna play it, looks bad ass but its still just a button mashing action game with pretty visuals.

I seriously don't see the logic in saying that a Hack 'n slash game isn't worthy of being a system seller. A video game can be enjoyable a multitude of hours longer than its single player average length if it has that much fun factor and replayability for the buyer. A game does not need a game length lasting forever, nor some large hub world, nor a meticulously deep control system to be highly-recieved. Believe it or not, but not everyone enjoys having to run around a giant overworld just to do something that might earn them progress through the game (a more straightforward, linear approach often suits gamers better, too).

The GoW series has evolved, but not to the point that its core game mechanic has changed since the first, and there is a reason why God of War II recieved Game of the Year awards, so that's very telling of the series' quality as a video game series, and the potential of God of War III.

We all have our preferences, but a solid game mechanic and other minor foundations can go a long way for a game. I think this is the case for God of War.

Im really looking forward for this game. Kratos is back and he looks a bit MAD !

When is he NOT mad?
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Bio is right. Lengthy games aren't always best. If the story takes forever than people don't play. On the other hand a medium length story where you have to run around everywhere for a 2 second movie clip is not the best thing.(no offense to Zelda, love the series)

It all depends on preference. GoW is for those that like a decent story with blood and guts everywhere. A moral person wouldn't like it. Yet someone else always will.

Also, GoW a button-masher? Yes pressing the same buttons works for a lot of stuff, but the combat actually has depth to it. You have to string many combos and spells together to truly appreciate how complex the system really is.
I agree with shadow. There have been times where i'm in a tight situation and find myself button smashing =p

But other than that, this game will kick @$$!!:D And with PS3 graphics, it's gonna look intensely awesome. Something like Final fantasy or something. Can't wait till it comes out.
Im not even hyped for Final Fantasy either. Japanese RPG developers are like EA sports games. They seem to squeeze every little drop they can while maintaining the same style. The story will change and a new battle style but every else is same old stuff. The people look the same, the worlds, same atmosphere.

It just seems like JRPGs are just so generic.

Even Fallout 3 vs Oblivion which uses the same ass style still looks like completely different games.

It seems you could take every JRPG and they would all live down the street from each other.
Im not even hyped for Final Fantasy either. Japanese RPG developers are like EA sports games. They seem to squeeze every little drop they can while maintaining the same style. The story will change and a new battle style but every else is same old stuff. The people look the same, the worlds, same atmosphere.

It just seems like JRPGs are just so generic.

Even Fallout 3 vs Oblivion which uses the same ass style still looks like completely different games.

It seems you could take every JRPG and they would all live down the street from each other.

true but there are some that would be mansions on that street. just like there would be a few cardboard boxes to.

JRPG's are hit or miss. there great or there ****
Kratos looks freaking angry in that demo. I hope that they fix the AI in GOW3. I'm playing GOW 1 and 2 now and the AI can get cheap and dirty...than again I have the difficulty on god and titan mode respectively.

The ending of the demo that was shown where Kratos jumps toward Prometheus the Titan really puzzled me. If you've seen the ending of GOW2, then you know what I mean. Alliances??...Can't wait for March.

Behold the glory of HELIOS!!