Golden Wolf - Ocarina Link?


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
i heard a rumor from one of my brother's friends who also has a wii as well as LoZ: TP.
possible spoiler (i havent beaten the game, only at the desert dungeon):
He said that the golden wolf that teaches you the hidden sword techniques is actually the link from ocarina of time, and went on to say that he is the father of the link in TP :shocked: .
im just wondering if anyone knows anything about this. Feel free to discuss.
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There is a Golden wolf in TP, first one you just meet, then theres 6 other places you find it all throughout the land of Hyrule, all the same wolf. You get "hidden abilities" when you find the wolf while in human form. Pretty nice moves (i have 6 out of 7)
I'm only at the 2nd one, lol! I don't play alot though, i'm usually doing something :sick:
Haha thats cool, this weekend I went from the Water Temple all the Way to the Temple of Time.. all thanks to my own personal 14 hour Zelda-Fest
i could see that the golden wolves would be past Links, seeing that the exclaim "the one who is the chosen one of the goddesses can remain as beast in the twilight, and those other golden wolves are beasts as well, so they must be chosen warriors of the gods (ie: past links) but their images are kinda too huge and outfited to be links... as for the father, i dont think so.
ehh yeah i dont know if that would work. i just figured the skeleton guy was just a fallen hero from before.
The guy who teaches you the lost art says that these moves can only be used by those in our bloodline. And we all know that the blood of the hero flows within the hylian knights. Interesting, eh?
mmm that is interesting. thanks for lettin me know, totally overlooked that when playing