Happy Easter

Although I don't celebrate it, happy Easter to you all!

The_Loose_Cannon said:
did anyone see the episode of southpark with the HARE club for men? funny stuff i watched it last night! :lol:
Best episode of the series so far! And I can't help but think that installing a rabbit as Pope would actually be a good idea... :lol:
Darkprinny said:
The resurrection of Jesus

We eat chocolate eggs and NOW SEND CARDS WTF
Lol, he doesn't get born again....when you become a Christian you're born again, he's Jesus. :p

Happy Easter All!!!!! Remember the true meaning...
instead of easter eggs now theres easter bunnys easter duks? i think there should be easter fish if there makin easter ducks any way happy easter
Such a happy day, Jesus rises from the dead, and a bunny sneaks into my house at midnight and gives me painted eggs. the south park explination actually makes sense to any who saw it.
hmph Easter sucks.

The family wants to go to this really nice place up in the woods by me, my father has a hangover today so he can't be arsed to walk up so we go down to the shitty little beach.

And only TEN quid. What's up with that?
I know it was yesterday, but here's another egg post by Kotaku. Now its Nintendo related:

Kotaku.com said:

Happy Easter everybody. Hope you enjoyed your eggs and bunnies. I know I did. It's well into Monday evening here, but man, I still feel ill. Too much chocolate. Urgh.

Celebrating Easter with these guys would have been the better option. Since I couldn't eat them, I could just admire the Nintendo-related craftsmanship. Which I'm going to do anyway. Luke Plunkett