Hi! I'm Alex


Aug 16, 2007
On the moon
I just got a Wii for my 14th birthday and i am very excited to hear about any new channels or features for it. I even have a few ideas of my own that I'm sure you will like. My username was supposed to be Pablos102030, but apparently thats too long. Just call me Pablos. I look forward to conversing with you in the future!
Hey there.

Welcome to the forum.

Pull up a chair.

Hey welcome to the forum Alex. Hope you enjoy your stay here at Wii Chat. If you have any questions regarding the site feel free to ask.
Hey Pablos, welcome to Wiichat. You can check the search bar on the right to see if threads have been started for any of your ideas...if not, let us in on them if you like. Hope to see you posting around.
Welcome Alex! ^_^ I've got plenty of ideas too, and I'd really like to see if we've had any similar thoughts, so go ahead and tell us aaaalllll about them =D
Welcome to Wiichat.
Enjoy your stay, and if you need help with anything, feel free to give someone a shout.