How do I watch SSBB replay on my PC?

He means that currently there is no way to do this, but there might be in the future if you give it time. Although, I'm not sure it is possible, since the way the replays are recorded might be in a rendered graphical format, only readable by the Wii, and not in a video format. I could be wrong, but I think that is how it works.
SD card and some threads at igns brawl place. I know how to share stages and pics but not replays.
The replays arent really saved as a video. You can pause it and change the angle,zoom in and out, etc. Id imagine it would be pretty difficult to change that into a video format.
Indeed. The replay is saved as a in game thing. As in it just records the move you make, etc. Then the game use that and re-render it, allowing you to pause, etc. That's why the file is so small, I don't know why they limit it to just 3 minute : /

Best way is to find a dvd recorder type of thing.