How do u get the homebrew channel

this is an illegal hack/channel. anyone caught using it will get the 20120 ban from the internet. nintendo is not happy about the people using this to hack, nor the illegal roms being used. still a cool channel, but definitely not legal and i don't think it's worth it to be banned.

Why would Nintendo ban the homebrew channel? True Nintendo might not be happy about it but that too bad. Some people use that channel to cheat & hack in games, and for some programmers and developers use it for evil. If Ninty thinks everyone with the homebrew channel (hbc) use it for evil that just stupid . HBC enhanced the wii, not ruin it like what ninty thinks.
What the F*CK ant666...
Will you stop it with your stupid PSAs?
Of f*cking course nintendo is going to tell you it's illegal.
It's not.
I think I'm going to call nintendo and demand the truth, then give them a piece of my f*cking mind.
Jesus, what's with you?
Who gives a f*ck, and besides, they're not going to ban you.
If that were so, it would've happened a long time ago to so many people.
This makes me f*cking hate nintendo so much.

hey i am just trying to stop a few headaches from people getting banned. it is happening. i've talked to people/hackers that have gotten banned. i never told anyone not to use it. if you love it and want to use it more power to ya. i was just trying to inform people about the information i found out when i actually did a little research. you don't have to use vulgarity towards me. i was just trying to help.