How Old Are All The Wii Owners in Here

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Wow! Im 26. Thats the oldest ive seen in here unless i missed one. THats cool. Im still a 10 year old at heart. *wondering* (Its late, mom will get mad if she finds im awake at thie hour) LOL
am 16 !

m 16 is it just me or is 16 the average gamer age! anyways can someone help me plz! i want to know hou to put pics on your singture?
16. Glad to see there aren't very many annoying 8-13 year olds here :lol:

(no offense....)
Hellhawk said:
I'm 21 Can someone answer this question For me I was wondering why the Wii has the same 3 MB embedded GPU as Gamecube and does that affect the graphics? PS2 has 4 MB, and when do you think 720p will be on the Wii and Dvd playback?.
If you honestly think the GPU of PS2 is more powerful than the GPU of Gamecube, you might as well give up discussing hardware.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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