How Old Are All The Wii Owners in Here

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50 years old. My first console was a Atari. I loved Missle command, ping pong, football etc. etc. Now I play Tiger woods 08 and my wife (48) plays Super Mario Galaxy. WE LOVE IT! My 25 year old daughter has a Wii and my 27 year old daughter and Husband have a Wii. We are a Wii family.
My grandfather had an Atari 5200. He used to play it all the time. The guy was good! His favorite games were Pac Man, Missle Command, and Space Invaders. He always used to kick my ass. Mine was Defender.

He's still alive but no longer the gamer. Not sure what he'd make of the Wii.
I am 27. I have been a Nintendo fan since NES. In 1990 I dressed up as Link for Halloween ;P I did Icarus the year before I believe.
I'm 32, all my friends have been into games forever, but I just didn't have the patience nor the time. This was my first purchase of a system myself, obviously I ahve been through the Odysses, Ataris, Comm64's and what-not, but I played my sisters Wii Christmas morning in NY and I was hooked. Too bad it took getting my taxes to get me motivated, only to find out they were impossible to find. Good thing i have people:smilewinkgrin:
38 soon only a couple of weeks :)

Still looking for Mii friends for my plaza :) Anyone? im starting to sound desperate :)
I was born along with the NES in 85' 23 years later nintendo is still thinkin outside the box! somethin to think about
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