Hyrule warriors

The devs' need to confirm that half-assed timeline in order to validate the theory-crafting of fans is the biggest threat to the Zelda franchise thus far. From now on, if they ever decide to make a Zelda with a srs story, it'd have to kiss up to that stupid timeline by pulling the most cringe-worthy of literary devices.
If you're referring to the nonexistent "sense of a main story" part, I sorta see where you're coming from but I fail to see why it's a big deal. But if that's not what you're referring to I'm rather confused since there's been a (pointless) official timeline for a while now.

Its a Nintendo game.

Time lines are as irrelevant than they are in Street fighter as they dont give a toss

Imagen if Mario had one
I know a guy who complains when Mario Kart "breaks the Mario canon", lol. Because everyone knows that the Mario canon is equally, no, more important than every other canon.

That said, there are some Ninty series were the timeline does matter...Mother and Metroid are the only ones that come to mind, with the former not exactly being a "big" series. And the timeline matters with a few things in Zelda, such as the flood and the events of Majoras Mask, but it's mostly pointless. Ganon being revived again happens, uh, occasionally.
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  • #77
Cannons are important, as how else would pirate ships shoot at each other
Oh god, what have I done?

I'm Kanon too btw.
Don't mind me, just trying to break the tension.
ghirahim confirmed playable for hyrule waifus

....oh, and that other villain too, Zant. Ganandorf is also playable, with different costumes you can get by preordering before a certain date, it says. Pretty sure it said October 23rd or somefin.

Didn't reveal any other playable characters, sadly, but as you might expect I'm not too upset by that. It did mention that "most" of the stages are from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, which...worries me.


Gamespot said:
Update: Zant (Twilight Princess), Midna (Twilight Princess), and Ghirahim (Skyward Sword) are confirmed to be playable characters. Lana, a sorceress, has been introduced as a character unique to Hyrule Warriors. She fights using a book of sorcery.
Way to be up to date on the info
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also, this sexy collection of images
ghirahim confirmed playable

ghirahim confirmed dancing


Well. That answers that.

Nope. One day, the internet will decide Hyrule Warriors must be canon, and Historia #2 will integrate it in some absurd way.
All these characters and I'm still insatiable. No Vaati, or Shadow Link? Maybe it's time to reintroduce Zelda's brother. Prince Facade even.

Timeline in Historia #1 was a bit of a mess itself.
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  • #85
No Tingle................
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  • #87
No tingle..................
Dark Link is bait for those Zelda fan girls of the worst kind
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  • #89
I think everybody that is interested in Zelda already knows that