Is a DS Lite worth buying?

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I had a normal DS and sold it to my little brother, now I bought a DS Lite and I totally love it. The screens are way better, the size and weight is perfect, the only thing I don´t like about it is the D-pad, the one in the normal ds is more comfortable.

Anyway, I really recommend it, I don't know if you asked because you weren't sure about buying a normal or lite ds, or you were asking if you should buy a ds at all, but, either way, I recommend it, it rulz!

PD: I've got an Onyx Black DS and it's cool =P Hope that helps...
I sold my old DS for a Black DS Lite and i'm glad I did. It feels so much more comfortable when playing for lengthy periods. I highly recommend it as well. And if you don't have a DS already, the games are great!

I think you should get the Black DS Lite also (if you can put up with fingerprints...and a few scratches. :sick:) It's looks neater and more sleek IMO.
Yes, getting a DS Lite is worth it, if you have the original DS just keep it. Paying an extra $70 for the exact same system IMO is not worth it.
MAybe wait on it a bit though because some new colors should be coming. But I have a black one and it looks awesome despite the fingerprints.
Yes you should get a DSLite.

Mine is re-cased in red......but of the 3 official colours white is my favourite.

samus21 said:
MAybe wait on it a bit though because some new colors should be coming. But I have a black one and it looks awesome despite the fingerprints.
i know, thats what i hate about the black one. i bought a cover case for it.

but yea dude, you should definately get one. i would suggest the black one because it jus looks cooler :cool:

and samus21 is right. some new colors should come soon. i think a light blue and green one are already out in japan. they should arrive soon. even though i have a black one, im still going to buy a blue one and sell my old one :)
i have a black one, and it's definatly worth. i sudjest a black DS lite. and get it soon, and one game i sudjest is new super mario bros.
A DS Lite would be the best choice. Most accessories that are out are for the DSL rather than the DS. as for color. my best bet would be anything but Black since it shows fingerprints (I know because I own a Black DSL)
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