Is it Just Me?


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2007
Is it just me or are wii games Quick???

Like i have Spongebob and neraly finished and don't get me started on Wario Ware!! Brought - Beat - Sold

Thank god for Ebay! Anyone Agree???
I won't buy Wario Ware for that reason. I hired Touched on DS when I hurt my back a while ago and had a few weeks off work. I finished it within a few hours. I seriously hated it, just crap!
well you have a kids game and a party game. Kids get bored after a while so spongebob is probably not as challanging as some ofthe older games. Wario ware is mainly a party game so the single players gonna be quick. no offense in playing spongebob though...i have it and its pretty fun.
SuperDan142 said:
Is it just me or are wii games Quick???

Like i have Spongebob and neraly finished and don't get me started on Wario Ware!! Brought - Beat - Sold

Thank god for Ebay! Anyone Agree???
First off you bought sponge bob for the wii.
WTF do you expect from spongebob?
Well said. Damn, I mean i wouldn't bother even renting them games. Warioware was easy for me as well.
Get Zelda if you havent already. I would say that game will take you 30-40 hours depending on if you get help from the forums/guides. And the game has added value time like fishing and collecting everything so i would get that if u havent already..