Landing Moves on the Half-Pipe


Proud Owner Of A Wii
Feb 13, 2007
Hi, does anybody have any tips on landing moves on the Half-Pipe, because whenever I do moves My character is in a position to make him fall before landing, and yes I doo press A and release.
SSX Blur

I never have trouble landing in the halfpipe.
Are you holding the Z button down when you land? Z does a grab which would cause you to crash.

Also, when I'm on the halfpipe, I always push forward on the joystick when I'm landing, and I land fine.

I hope one of those two things will help, the halfpipe is a blast, you can get so much speed, it's ridiculous. Especially if you get into the one on the far right, it's coated with ice, which makes it really fast.
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No, I don't press Z, but after doing some flips my character is doing a grab when about to land.
The only times I find myself falling right before my landing is when my boarder is not in a landing position. You can't be flipped upside down and land on your feet regardless of if you press A before or not. You should do your tricks while you're in the air and when you're getting close to the end of your descent make sure you're right side up, ready to land.
when your in the air, and about to go down, hold 'A' for like 1 second then let go. Don't press anything else until he/she lands.
Finesse bro. When you're done with a trick press the A button and you'll see your character try to align himself/herself. If it looks like he's not yet aligned, press A again. Don't hold the A button, tap the A button. Plus, if you're already aligned, don't move the wiimote, not even a jolt or twist...