Live or Die?


WiiChat Member
Dec 31, 2006
Does anyone let enemys live in red steel? (for the respect points cos i don't know wat the points do) does anyone know wat they do?
well you get not far enough in the game to tell you what it is for but i can tell you that in one of the levels (act two i believe) where you have to help these 4 ppl...and they have reccomended respect levels( for you to choose the person with the appropriate respect level for you) can view your respect level by pausing the game (pressing the + button), going to game information (something like that, im not at the consle and i cant remember) and pressing respect level
Yeah you need a Certain Respect level the Missions.

But letting them surrender their gun and give up will get you Points too (Instead of killing them of course)

You learn this later on though (So don't look at Spoiler if you wish not to know...)
im already past that...and i learned how to focus and slow down time...problem is that i cant do it in real gameplay
GangstaMack said:
im already past that...and i learned how to focus and slow down time...problem is that i cant do it in real gameplay
It's really easy. I usually wait until I have like 4 people all right in front of me. Then you just hold down A and thrust the Wiimote forward or hold A and press C on the nunchuk. It's also really useful for when you meet the boss of a group of enemies (indicated with a white circle with I think a snake design over his head). When you disarm (not kill) him with focus, then everyone else under him automatically surrenders.
From what I have heard respect points will start unlocking special trainings such as new guns and new kata moves There is a video out there somewhere that gives you tips and tricks on how to gain respect points, such as when you parry an enemy and knock him off balance you can swing you nunchuck and it will hit his sword and weaken it, After a few hits you break his or her sword.
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