Make me a t-shirt contest

Wow, you really are serious about the whole "Give me your ideas so that I can profit off of you" thing, aren't you Adam? :lol:
Just kidding.
Yeah, it looks like you have some good ideas here, so I say goodluck. :)

Kwon, as long as you are working in the silk room we can no longer be friends, go into the printing room however and I might consider:ihih:

-waits for photo of my shirt-
Make This Text really Small On The Shirt:

Nosey little sucker, aren't you?

hmm.......pokemon related shirt.... "if u where a pokemon.....i'll choose u first":lol:

mario....."Dont make me go super star on you!!!"
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Liger_zero9999 said:
Baka Gaijin

/Thread :lol:

That would be.....awesome! Hm.....korean equivalent.....

Same @ Dillon

Hm....I've been going around to gamer shirt sites to steal ideas. haha

"n00b, it's what's for dinner"


"FSCK" (as I am a linux user)

"your skill in reading has increased by 1 point."

"Live in your world, get pwned in mine"

Edit: if anyone makes a picture design, make an ORIGINAL logo to slap on there so you get some credz
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