Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Impressions

The game is OK. The single player modes are clear tack-ons to the multiplayer portion of the game, which is decent but extremely limited. If you have internet access with your Wii and have a hankering for a decent Wii (note: Wii) online game, this game might fit the bill. The online is nothing spectacular though; it's mediocre at best. But it's the best that the Wii currently has, which isn't saying much. The online portion has a lot of problems, which I've detailed many times (search if you want to know), but it's still fairly fun for a while at least, assuming you don't expect it to even remotely compare to most console online shooter games made in the last 7 years. If you've never played an online shooter before, you'll probably really like it. If you have, you'll probably say "meh" but still play the game a bit.
KCBlack said:
I see.. I'm trying to decide between this and SMG, but lately Mario games have lost their appeal to me ( I know it's supposed to be a great game though ) . I need something to hold me 30 more days till Xmas, when I get my 360, Halo 3, and Mass Effect. So I was hoping this would do the trick lol.

In this case, I'd actually go with MOH. That way, once you finally get your 360 and can play good online games, those games will only seem SO MUCH better in comparison to the crap online games (relatively speaking) on the Wii right now. Nothing like a good contrast effect.