Nintendos' E3 Press Conference Discussion Thread

Let's break it down with logic.

Company A, Company B and Company C

Company A makes an original, mature, IP, Madworld, it sells poorly
Company B makes shovelware like Carnival Games, it sells like hot cakes

Now, if you were Company C, based on the history of Company A and B, which business model would make more sense to follow?

First of all your logic is crap cuz you only used two games on the Wii out of the entire library. I've already told you before and provided proof that hardcore games can sell on the Wii. If Company C would look at the sales of 3rd party, they'd realize that 3rd party games can sell on the Wii (shovelware or not). They (Bethesda, HVS, Ubisoft, Konami) also realize that the Wii is already flooded w/ shovelware, so they decide to make games for traditional gamers instead (Gladiator, Conduit, Grinder, Silent Hill, Red Steel 2, Bethesda's upcoming big title, HAWX, etc.). I'm starting to think that maybe you work for Sony or Microsoft. Why are you against the Wii so much if you don't work for them? Are you afraid that all games will be for the casual in the future? Casual gamers will eventually dive into more complex games. That's what developers also realizes about the Wii owners.
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his logic may sound like crap but he has a point (except Madworld sold very well, not poorly).

companies are making more crappy shovelware games for the wii cause they sell the best. mostly ceuse parents are idiotic morons that watch commercials of a family playing shovelware and think if they buy it, there kids will do that to.

thats why the wii is selling the best and shovelware sells billions
They need to get rid of that *****,she thinks she is doing a great job telling bout all the numbers blah blah blah.
Reggie needs to start kicking some ass at Nintendo.
The truth is, hardcore companies wont MAKE hardcore games for Wii, cos Wii couldnt run them for ****.

People whining about Modern Warfare 2 not being on Wii. Be glad it isnt, youd rather tear your eyes out than see a game that epic trying to run on the Wii's hardware.

Also with Sexbox360, PS3 and PC's having such similar specs its easy to port the game over, then they come to the Wii, realise theyll need to pay a whole new team to rebuild the game from the ground up, and it might JUST sell 500k copies, probably not even enough to make it profitable, and itd look like total trash, and lack the online support of other platforms.

What Sovieto is SO right. If a company sees titles that require little effort (I'm talking 2 member development teams) are profitable on Wii and take 2months to make. Theyre going to make them. Parents love cheap and cheerful ****, so they buy their little kids all these shovelware games, and the companies make epic profit.

Man they must be loving it.

I do have to admit.

Despite the hate.

What Nintendo is doing is almost necessary for the industry, the videogame industry is shrinking in relation to the expanding population of the world, and by Nintendo getting handheld and home consoles into houses, means for the next gen, people may start buying other consoles as well. And there will be a whole new generation of gamers also wanting more than just **** minigames. So they might go and buy a PS4 or a SexBox720.

Sony and Microshaft are probably secretly thanking Nintendo. Especially for all the ppl that realised how overrated Wii was after just 6months of owning the damn thing.
his logic may sound like crap but he has a point (except Madworld sold very well, not poorly).

companies are making more crappy shovelware games for the wii cause they sell the best. mostly ceuse parents are idiotic morons that watch commercials of a family playing shovelware and think if they buy it, there kids will do that to.

thats why the wii is selling the best and shovelware sells billions

You Wii haters can hate all you want and developers can flood the Wii library w/ shovelware all they want, it doesn't matter to me. I bought the Wii cuz of the motion control games such as Wii Sports, Boom Blox, Zack n Wiki, Okami, Wii Sports Resort, etc...... shooting games such as Resident Evil 4, Metroid, Red Steel 2, Conduit, COD:WAW, Grinder, etc....and Nintendo franchises such as Mario Kart, Brawl, Galaxy, Excite Series, Zelda, Punch-Out, etc. Most of those games has already been released and some of them are already scheduled to be released so I could care less about shovelware and my Wii purchase is already justified. All this Wii hate is getting rediculous. You haters are just like my Xbox fanboy roommate. After watching Sony's E3's keynote, he said that Sony sucks. Nothing Sony can do will make him like the PS3 unless his 360 breaks one more time after 4 times (true story). Anyways, Happy WiiMotion Plus Release Day to all Wii owners! We finally get to experience 1:1 motion contol gaming. You should be happy cuz Sony and MS fanboys have to wait for another few years or the next generation.
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LOL. Bruceleroy.

I hope you arent looking forward to the Vitality sensor as well...

Also I think Microsoft's recognition software thing beat Sony's show as well.
Theyve created one awesome interactive product.
First of all your logic is crap cuz you only used two games on the Wii out of the entire library. I've already told you before and provided proof that hardcore games can sell on the Wii. If Company C would look at the sales of 3rd party, they'd realize that 3rd party games can sell on the Wii (shovelware or not). They (Bethesda, HVS, Ubisoft, Konami) also realize that the Wii is already flooded w/ shovelware, so they decide to make games for traditional gamers instead (Gladiator, Conduit, Grinder, Silent Hill, Red Steel 2, Bethesda's upcoming big title, HAWX, etc.). I'm starting to think that maybe you work for Sony or Microsoft. Why are you against the Wii so much if you don't work for them? Are you afraid that all games will be for the casual in the future? Casual gamers will eventually dive into more complex games. That's what developers also realizes about the Wii owners.

That is a moot point if shovelware STILL sell like hotcakes. Bringing our concern back to square one.

And for the love of humanity, please refrain from finishing off your posts with console war implications like so many [STRIKE]annoying[/STRIKE] people do. It's pointless and doesn't get anybody anywhere.