Nmh Outrage!

I say they're right on the money about both games.
NMH wasn't great. It was repetitive, the open world wasn't really, that open, the story was just stupid, I personally hated the art style and I wanted to light Travis on fire stab him to death and stick a paper bag over his head, the collision detection, biking, jobs etc. were awful.
The combat was pretty good though.

As for all of the other discussions. My eyes are mainly set on SPORE/SSBB/MKWii/GTA4

CoD4 on my comp is just amazing and Assassin's Creed just blew my mind as well as being the 2nd 360 game I played after Halo 3.

So theres what I say to all of that.
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Dbomb give it a try... at least the naysayers think the combat is awesome.

So far they thing the story sucks...LOL because it doesn't make sense...LOL you are a fan boy that basically decides he wants to be a killer... what about that makes sense? When he confesses his love for the girl after the gernade... totally in his character and I was not surprised at all. The game has a darkside to it if you pay attention and it's right in front of you the whole time if you peice it together. The game is more like fight club to me and a new version of double dragon. You will not meet bosses like this in any other game and none of these subjects will be talked about in any other game either.

To sum No more heros up- it's what happens when your a fan boy and get stuck in a world that thinks it's a video game....LOL. Play thur most of it before making a judgment though. The task are too bring his character back down to earth and make him just another poor fan again. I mean seriously If the game ended with him taking off his shades to show the real world it would have spelled out why this game is the way it is. LOL I bet you guys hated cloverfield too! You have to be a little old school to like this one also it seems... yet when it comes don't to it this is much better than trying to be a gansta in GTA... it doesn't hide behind that excuse it like double dragon and bad boys back in the day...LOL You don't need a reason other than wanting to beat the hell out of every thing on screen...LOL Yet suda gives you one...

Hey my two cents and I'm having fun with this one... the character design and every thing are just right. The collision detection is just that stay away from the cars...LOL I'm betting lots of you guys are getting stuck on the first few bosses... I think the same thing happened with prime... these games are just too much for the so called hardcore due to the subject matter and the challenging game play which people think is flawed...LOL When a sequel comes out I hope Suda 51 addresses you guys with a boring character that does stuff you would only want to do actually I think that guy is already in the game but not playable. It's really weird because most people play games to be that person yet this game is solely there to be a challenge which is what hardcore gaming is about mostly. We I mean I found AC boring as hell... a climbing simulator with good graphics hey but I also hated tomb raider and still do.

Well anyway give it a try Dbomb3 you seem to like dark stuff... if you can make it deep into the game then you will be impressed. These are not your normal assassins they are really crazy.
Not played NMH yet and its not on my list of essential purchases but i think i'll pick it up at some point. Going by most reviews it seems like its the kind of game that either you can overlook its faults and love it or you cant and will hate it.

Not sure that i would trust a site that gave Assassins Creed a 9.5 or Trauma Center New Blood a 7.5 though. They are just wack scores.