No More Heroes Ships Early


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Publisher Ubisoft previously had its potential cult-hit action game, No More Heroes, set for a February release, right up against a little fighter called Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Not the best decision, but thankfully the company seems to have reconsidered and fans of offerings like Killer 7 are the benefactors of the decision.

Ubisoft confirmed to IGN Wii this afternoon that No More Heroes has officially been moved up for a January 22 release date -- less than three weeks from now, if you're counting.

In No More Heroes, you play as Travis Touchdown, a man on a quest to become the world's number-one assassin. Using the Wii remote, you will wield his trusty killing saber and slice and dice opponents in bloody displays on your way to the top. The title's unique blend of cel-shaded visuals and ultra-violent play mechanics have made it something of a fan-favorite going into the New Year. And it doesn't hurt that it was directed by Suda 51 of Killer 7 fame.

This is great news, for both the game and Wii owners. Some good space between Brawl so we have enough time to play, and enough time for this game to be bought and hopefully sell well. It deserves it I say, its sounding like one of the better Wii games thats coming out aside from the hits we know of. I personally like the humor in the game and feel its a nice treat from what we normally play today, and as well it looks like solid gameplay.

Yaaaaaaaaay This Put A Huge Smile On My Face Thanks For Making My Day Happy Happy Happy!!!!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome Aaaaaaaaaaaa Such Great News!!!! I Love It When Game Shipments Move Up. Ooooooohhhhhhhh Soooo Great!!!! Cantwaitcantwaitcantwaitcantwait!!!
wow thats great that its cumin out earlier but im still probaly gunna get it for my birthday six months from now with brawl nd mario kart lol. ehh maybe i'll suck up the courage nd buy one of them on my own.
I dunno. I'm still 80 stars deep in Mario Galaxy, and I have Ghost Squad and Zack and Wiki to keep me going. Might have to wait until the Brawl Lull which wont come quick to pick this up.