Official Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Reflex Edition] Topic

Wow. For once an argument that I'm not involved in. lol.
Sorry, I dont play Reflex much anymore. I have MW2.
And killer, what are you talkin about? lol. Purment? Do u mean permanent? Uhm, if you do then, no? lol

if u have mw2... y are u here, this is a mwr chat, if u wanna get pwned by me or any others, go ahead and vs us, but if ur not back ur self up, dont talk smack
not in hc or tdm just private & you know why xD

i have beat u in tdm, i dont play hc, cause im not good, i only played with u wen i had my comp on(wen i 1st got it, mwr, which if there both on i have 1 bar connection) and i only played hc in waw, i suck at hc in a normal match, in 1on1 i kill
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  • #740
Haha! Wth? How did I talk smack?? I was just saying how ppl can get better and worse depending on the game. Wowww. And actually, just because I have MW2 doesn't disclude me from this board. As long as I'm talking about Reflex, I can stay here. And as far as im concerned, I was talking about Reflex, and how it changes how good people are. And hey, Prinplup, first of all, my stats were low cuz the first 35 levels in WaW I averaged 10 kills and 25 deaths. Those other averages are true, I was a freakin beast at WaW. And second, dude, your username is prinplup. Thats a pokemon. What are you, 17, 18? Seriously? I think it might be time for you to grow up and stop playing with ur pokemon figures that are meant for toddlers, eh mate? I'll say. And bloody hell, who's gonna take advice from a 17/18 year old dude who still plays with his pokemon toys? No one I know mate.
your just liar ice you sucked & did'nt i say you were gonna say you sucked at first haha beat you too & your the loser that pmed me about girls a sissy boy thats afraid to talk them haha get over your little self hiigh horse cuz you sound like an idiot oh hehe he likes pokemon i bet most pokemon lovers are older than me you little fuck
hay guys o and sary about yesterday prinplup it was late and i was tired and u r rite i do suck im a major and my k/d ratio is only 0.61 so ya haha sary :biggrin5:
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well iceice, the main point of this site rlly is to exchange friend codes, and u rarely talk about mwr, u talk about mw2 or get in fights about waw, i will admit, i get in fights, but i back myself up, u however most likely will never touch ur wii again, theres a 360 chat now, go there
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  • #744
Lol. Well atleast I can get a girl, eh prinplup? And no, my nephew who happens to be 5 years old likes Pokemon. Your 17 and get over it. Thats sad. And hey, guess what mate, I'm not full of myself. If I was, I would always be bragging. I'm not. Your just looking for ways to try and comeback, and hurt me. lol. You can't hurt me. No matter how hard you try. You can smash my face in with a bat, and I'll still be the same. You think your words are shaking my confidence? LOL. Its not that I'm full of myself, its that I'm confident in myself, unlike you who results to childish cursing and making up lies about other people. Get a bloody life mate, and stop playing with Pikachu.
You know, at my school, we have a group of seniors that play yugiho at lunch, and wear creepy trench coats. If you went to my school, you would fit in well with them. :)
well i kno many ppl who like pokemon lol, its not weird, just, a hobby, everyone has there own hobbies, i guarentee you have a embarasing or weird hobby, but it doesnt mean ur a bad person or anything, and i kno many, many ppl who play pokemon the game lol, and r u like...from england, u always say bloody or eh mate lol, and prinplup has a girl lol, trust me, i kno -_-
n you think i care im not a mw crazed person just something to do for fun n lvl up at it n who said anything about rec being a waring clan or anything n i really dont care if you could beat me