Phone Calls Wii Style


WiiChat Member
Feb 19, 2007
ok so i go into my adress book and i click register and it says wii -or- others. to my suprise (----->:yikes: )one of the pictures on the -others- is a picture of a phone.

does this mean that you can make calls on the wii?!?!?!?!

if so how?

If thats not a feature yet nintendo, sony, or microsoft should think about it. :idea:
well with some phones you can access your email accounts. some phone companies give you an e-mail, so im pretty sure thats what they meant.
You'd need a mic before you can call someone....

And it kinda seems like another thing to add to the list of "random things that aren't all that practical." Really, would you ever seriously use such a feature? I'm not trying to just outright slam you here, I'm just saying think practical.

1 Desktop and Laptops in the house to surf the web, each computer has photoshop installed as well as a means to connect to a camera for uploading and photo editing (really, who actually browses through a photo gallery to show friends on a bigscreen tv), 1 phone line + 1 mobile phone to make phone calls, computers are already efficient means of gathering news, etc.

When my Wii is on, it's playing games. I can sorta understand internet usage (not everyone has multiple computers), weather channel (quick and efficient weather check), maybe the news, but who would feel the need of starting up the wii to navigate through menus just to give someone a ring--a process several times faster if you just used conventional means.

The icon is probably just what mysticgohan posted (address book), or what thomas suggested: there's usually an e-mail tied to a phone number (at least with T-mobile). Sending e-mails to that address will send a text message (charged accordingly)
yes mam... im pretty sure that it an email considering when you click on it it asks for an email lol....... think about it... you can hope though!
But does it even matter what it means? Probably another way just to add someone or do something not needed
I think it's there because you can sms your cellphone from your wii if you want. Just use your cellphone companies sms e-mail address. For example verizon's is [email protected] where the 5s are your actual mobile number.