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THANKS YOU GOKAN .omg thats sooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!i gotta try!!!yeah wat esle can i use instead!

who here likes me?please say YES!
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turn off your roomates circuit breaker and then turn off all the lights in the dorm, light some candles, and insist that the power is out.
6 Easy Steps to Provide a Hardy amount of LOL.

1. Get your friend really drunk.

2. Let said friend pass out.

3. Wait for 15-30 after they fall asleep.

4. Find Pizza pans and metal spatulas.

5. Repeatedly bang pans and spatulas to wake friend up.

6. Tell the friend to get up because the cops are there.

7. lolz.
Great one!

You know portable classrooms they have at schools? well there was a sub and they faked a call for him to go to the office. so when he was gone they left and hid behind the portable. the sub came in and saw that there was noone there so he went back to the office and when he came back all students had come back. and then one of the students says "It was so weird, you came in here and looked around as if there was noone here". the teacher freaked out and had to go home. i dont think he turned out crazy or anything lol
Lmao! That's a good one. A teacher threw something in the direction of my sister once. It was one of the big old wooden black board cleaners. It didn't hit her it just landed near her as he ment it too, then he carried on writing on the board and my sister picked up the rubber and chucked it as hard as she could and it hit the back of his head lol. I think I take after her...
Ya know those little milk cartons they have in school? Well, if you bring a tack or needle to school, then you can get a carton, drink a little, then poke a few holes near the top of the carton on the side the milk comes out. Then, tell your friend you don't want it. If s/he takes some, watch him get covered in milk.
never underestimate the power of saran wrap. Gotta mention the classic saran wrap under the top lid of the toilet. Some kids in my city put some across the street around two poles. A guy got thrown off his motorcycle and died. I guess you could call it a prank gone horribly wrong. (they are in prison for like 20 years now.)
Holy crap. Wow, I didn't think that would happen. That sucks. But, those kids were pretty retarded. Or at least sound pretty retarded.