Red Steel Controls Suck


Noob (and Mini Mod) Pwner
Dec 3, 2006
the gameplay and controls of this game suck testi----! pulling out a sword is hard enough without Al piccino about to kill you. you have to freakin hold the wiimote and nunchuck pointing at eachother, then rotate your hands to be in a comfortable swing position. and whats up with the gun? easiest weapon in anygame turned into rocket science! you have to freakin tilt the fiimote to the side and then shoot. thats a move you see in the italian mafia (no offense) not in a video game! the only thing i like was that everyone wears a suit. thats cool. but gameplay sucks!
Great another Red Steel sucks thread. Try putting this in the appropriate area of the forum, like under Red Steel's section.
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im sorry but seriously...this game sucks that much that i didnt say balls, i said the real name!
Hey buddy, you dont point the wiimote and nunchuck toward eachother to bring out sword. You obviously havent played the game. No one shoots at you while you have a sword out. Dumb***
Apparently, he only saw the trailer! Check your premises wii-tard before you propose your argument :prrr:
Yet another that is too dumb to work out the controls so they come out and blame the game for their gross ineptness.
hehe so many like it that is why so many good games are under rated and left to dry.....